Functional training: Can it help as you age?

This training modality has benefits for health, balance, strength, and coordination

Functional training: Can it help as you age?

Exercising is an important factor to avoid health problems, especially as we age. Regular exercise has numerous amounts of health benefits and the importance of staying active is essential to living a long, healthy, and vigorous life. “One of the main reasons why people don’t practice physical activity is because lack of time and boredom”, explains Giovanni Romero, Functional Trainer.

Let’s tackle these issues first

  • Lack of time: It is a common excuse that people use when they don’t want to exercise. If you have time to watch an episode of your favorite series, you definitely have time to exercise. In fact, functional training session can last from 40 to 90 minutes. During this time, your body will not only be active but it will also become stronger and more flexible. So stand up from the couch and get to a fitness center to embrace IGNORE INTO functional training. It is not tome demanding activity, especially if you have available hours during the day.
  • Boredom: According to William Sornoza, trainer at Functional Club, “People sign up to the gym for a year and end up coming, in the best scenarios, for a couple weeks. This can be caused because people usually get bored with the routines and their expectations are not met when they start training, this is a reason to try functional training: an activity where there are no routines and the training program aims to be dynamic.

Benefits of practicing functional training

As aging becomes a constant in life so does the lost of strength, balance, and muscle. These three things are deeply trained when starting a regime in functional training. It is very important to embrace these kinds of practices to avoid and prevent some harmful effects of the aging process.

Developing techniques for achieving a better balance should be a priority as time passes by. It is mandatory to include in the exercise routine activities that include walking, jumping, step exercises, stability, resistance bands, and unstable surfaces. All of them are the founding principles of functional training.

Recommendations for starting a functional training program

As any other exercise, it is better done when supervised by an expert on the matter. “To achieve the best results as possible it is mandatory to set goals. Works towards them and check them constantly so that both, trainer and pupil track the progress of the process”, argues Romero, a trainer with more than 10 years of experience in this type of exercise.


Latin American Post | Alejandro Duarte
Copy edited by Marcela Peñaloza

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