CA4: the passport for migrants

As a result of the mobilization of migrants, many people ask: Why is there a free movement in this region?

CA4: the passport for migrants

In the Central American region, there is a mobilization of migrants seeking a better future in the United States. Now, hundreds of Hondurans joined this dangerous journey.

Leer en español: CA4: el pasaporte para los migrantes

The CA4 passport for migrants

In 2006, the States that belong to the northern triangle (Guatemala, El Salvador, Honduras, and Nicaragua) signed a treaty to ensure the free mobility of its citizens in Central America.

According to the official treaty provided by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Guatemala called "Central American Free Trade Agreement (CA4)", free mobility is established between the signatory parties to encourage the exchange of culture, the harmonization of peoples and the economy. Likewise, this official document also professes the following intentions:

"Historically, the Central American countries have expressed their willingness to harmonize legislation and regional migration systems"

That is to say, in simpler words, the countries belonging to the CA4 can circulate freely and without any type of impediment through this Central American corridor. However, there is a very important restriction and this is that minors must present their passport with the legal authorities of each country, a measure imposed to prevent human trafficking.

Now, what is the circumstantial relationship between the CA4 and the caravan approaching US territory?

Read also: Migrant Caravan: Trump continues with threats

Honduran migration crisis

Since last October a large mobilization of migrants has taken place in Central America with the sole objective of reaching the United States.

Together with the above, and as reported by the Spanish newspaper El Diario, since last October 13 more than 9,000 people from Honduras have joined this great mobilization attracted by the migrant euphoria of the region.



Of course, this migrant caravan is propelled by the agreement signed by the countries of the northern triangle in 2006, the famous CA4. The circumstantial migratory situation that occurs in these days has its roots in said treaty, therefore, it is evident that there is practically no restriction to reach Mexico, and the rule on minors is not applied due to a large number of people who transfer borders.

However, this doesn't mean that the road is easy, because according to this same media:

"The large group is in southern Mexico and moving slowly, with the uncertainty of how they will be received by the authorities and how they will handle the transit, since, as they move forward, the contexts are more dangerous and hostile and the practices of the most intimidating police forces"

On the other hand, it is noteworthy that social conditions in Honduras, at this time, are not good at all. For example, The BBC World highlights that most migrants seek new opportunities due to lack of employment, violence, and poverty.

Therefore, it is evident that, although the CA4 treaty is the vehicle used to mobilize, the main incentive to migrate are the harsh conditions experienced in Honduras, as one migrant told the BBC: "It's not a caravan, it is an exodus created by hunger and death. "



LatinAmerican Post | Miguel Díaz

Translated from: 'CA4: el pasaporte para los migrantes'

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