Latin America in Short: Chilean Constituent is Criticized | New Wave of COVID

This week the WHO and PAHO have already warned about a new wave of COVID. On the other hand, the Chilean constituent is harshly criticized by the English outlet The Economist. This and more summarized here.

Chile flag and sick woman wearing face mask

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LatinAmerican Post

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Leer en español: Latinoamérica en resumen: Constituyente chilena es criticada | Nueva ola de COVID

In Latin America, politics has moved this week. In Argentina, 19 former soldiers and former police officers were convicted of crimes during the military dictatorship. In Chile, for its part, the constituent has been harshly criticized by the international media outlet The Economist. A new wave of COVID also threatens the region. However, there is good news. This week 140 states meet to talk about ecosystems and diversity. In sports, moreover, Luis Sinisterra is hired by Leeds United, so there will be one more Colombian in the Premier League. The most relevant of the week summarized here.

19 convicted of crimes during the Argentine dictatorship

Last Wednesday, the Argentine Justice sentenced 19 ex-military and ex-police officers for crimes against humanity committed during the military dictatorship during the years 1976-1983. According to the sentence of the Federal Oral Court No. 1 of Buenos Aires, the conviction contemplated acts of kidnapping, appropriation of children, homicide, torture, and even robbery against 347 victims. The most relevant case was life imprisonment for the head of the Campo de Mayo military garrison, Santiago Omar Rivero (98 years old), who had also been sentenced for the death flights."

“Ten of them received life imprisonment and another nine, sentences of between 22 and four years in prison. They were found guilty of the crimes of illegal deprivation of liberty, imposition of torments, illegal trespassing, robbery, dishonest abuse, rape and homicides”, declared the Argentine Human Rights Secretariat.

It is estimated that at least 5,000 people were kidnapped and housed in Defense Zone IV, a clandestine detention and extermination center during the dictatorship. For its part, the victims' organization, Abuelas de la Plaza de Mayo, reported that "of the children born during the captivity of their mothers or kidnapped along with their fathers and mothers, five cases have already been returned, but we are still looking for ten of them. them, today adults”.

The Economist magazine asks Chileans to reject the new constitution

The important British magazine The Economist published a harsh article criticizing the new Chilean constitution, a product of the Constituent Assembly, which it described as "radical and a disaster of fiscal irresponsibility." According to the English media, there are 7 important arguments why Chilean citizens should vote negatively on the constitutional text. In the first place, the magazine finds legal problems in different terms included in the text. For example, according to The Economist, the terms "nature" and "gender" are not clearly defined and this can lead to legal confusion when legislating and putting the law into practice. Secondly, he believes that the "job insecurity is prohibited" proposal creates a legal difficulty when firing employees. This, according to the magazine, will end up generating higher unemployment.

Likewise, he criticizes the prohibition of private education for profit and also property speculation, which for the media could generate a reduction in the construction of new housing, which would end up generating an increase in prices. Authoritarianism risk alert, by eliminating the balance of power between the Supreme Court, the Executive branch, the Courts of Appeal and the Senate. A new Council would have power over all judicial appointments. It also criticizes that the compensatory value that the State must pay when expropriating private land is decided by Congress and not by the market. The Economist believes that this can lead to pockets of corruption.

Read also: The Low Hours of the New Presidents in Latin America: Boric, Lasso and Castillo

140 states meet to talk about ecosystems and biodiversity

From July 3 to 9, the ninth session of the Intergovernmental Science and Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services (IPBES) is being held in the city of Bonn, Germany. Around this event, 140 representatives of the participating states have gathered. The IPBES is an independent intergovernmental body that was created to respond to the challenges posed by the preservation of biodiversity. In this way, it aims to strengthen scientific research, and its corresponding contribution to regulations, regarding the preservation of ecosystems and biodiversity. Although it is not a United Nations agency, it has alliances with the United Nations Environment Program (UNEP).

COVID-19 threatens the world with a new wave

Despite the fact that countries have gradually lifted the restrictions related to COVID-19, this disease is rebounding in many areas and has caused some strict measures to be resumed, such as the return to the use of the mask in public spaces. According to the latest report from the WHO Director, Coronavirus cases have increased by 30% in the last 15 days. In its last press conference, PAHO announced that the number of deaths increased in South America (32.8%,) and in the Caribbean (13.3%). Brazil is one of the most affected countries in the world, with 396 new deaths associated with the disease in recent days.

There is a new Colombian in the Premier League

Luis Sinisterra, a 23-year-old Colombian winger, is the new reinforcement of Leeds United. Sinisterra comes to this team in exchange for 25 million euros plus an additional five million in bonuses, with a contract that runs until 2027. The Colombian comes from a good stage in the Eredivisie, where he played with Feyenoord. During his time with this team, he scored 35 goals and 29 assists, getting 23 touchdowns last season. "I know it's a historic club with beautiful fans, I've been told the atmosphere is amazing," Sinisterra said in an interview.

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