Women in Fintech, Driving the Businesses of the Future

This sector has several women as industry leaders in Latin America.

The Woman Post | Maria Claudia Londoño

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This term comes from the words finance (finance) and technology (technology).

The Woman Post wants to highlight some of the names of those who promote this sector, which is so important worldwide, and who, thanks to them, have allowed the industry to grow and who, with their tenacity and conviction, have generated interestingly increasing numbers.

The opportunity for the growth of Fintech was the great mistake of the banks of not personalizing their services, of allowing their users and clients to be bothered by the cumbersome procedures, the absence of timely service, and the long lines at their branches to carry out simple formalities. People just got tired of this situation.

Within the services that are included in what is called Fintech, we find several that make our lives easier and save us time and money, since we do not need to go to a bank branch to carry them out, but only have access to the Internet or install the application on our mobile device:

• Loans and credits: Through the Internet, companies offer financing services such as crowdfunding and crowdlending, which have allowed initiatives or ventures Start-Ups to receive financial support.

• Payments and transfers: Through applications on the computer or mobile device, we can make them without setbacks or delays.

• Investment: There are trading platforms that offer services from robots that manage wealth to financial advisors.

• Personal finance: If we have mobile applications, we have access to services that allow agile and effective personal finance.

• Currency: through online services, when we need currency exchange to travel, for example, it is possible to process it without requiring travel.

• Chain of blocks (blockchain): the security and reliability of the block system could abolish intermediaries for all financial transactions shortly.

In this month that we highlight the role of women in various sectors, we mention those who have dared to break barriers and stereotypes and who have ventured into this complex financial world in Latin America:

Alexandra Mendoza from LIQUITECH, Ana Barrera from AFLORE, Anabel Pérez from NOVOPAYMENT, Cristina Junqueira from UN, Isabel Palao Málaga from MAXIMO, Madeleine Clavijo Verjel and Daniela Espinosa from KUSHKI, Kelly Gusmao from WARREN BRASIL, Margarita Henao Cabrera and Marlene Garayzar from STORI, Ana Sandoval from BOLD, Ingrid Barth from LINKER, Helena Polyblank from MENDEL, Karin Thies from OPEN Co, Cinthia Merlos, and Gabriela Estrada from VEXI, Diana Salazar and María Camila Munoz Sanchez from EXPONENTIAL CONFIRMING, Carolina Velez E from FINSOCIAL, Verónica Crisafulli from MO Technologies, and Sandra Rubio from IMIX.

Initially, the first barrier that was raised by users was a factor of distrust for carrying out online transactions, and entering their passwords to access a mobile application, for fear of losing their money. But gradually, the use of technologies to streamline processes, to move accounts, for financing campaigns, has been growing, and probably, with the consolidation of blockchain technology, the need to have entities and intermediaries for transactions will be eliminated. personal.

A determining factor is that they allow more people, micro-entrepreneurs, access to financial services that have traditionally always been denied or difficult to obtain.

Thus, women have appropriated these services, offering agility, economy, flexibility, ease, and above all, efficiency. Bravo to them and we wish them the best of successes and achievements!

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