
Fourth UN assembly on the environment: what you should know

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From March 11 to 15 will take place this assembly. Here we tell you what you need to know

Fourth UN assembly on the environment: what you should know

This version of the assembly will be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from March 11 to 15. There, leaders will try to find and discuss innovative solutions for the environmental problems that we are currently facing. In addition, the assembly will focus on sustainable production and consumption, processes necessary for sustaining natural resources and reducing waste.

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According to UN, "the UN Environment Assembly is the world's highest environmental decision-making body, attended by Heads of State, environment ministers, leaders of multinational companies, NGOs and other stakeholders interested in reach global commitments in favor of the protection of the environment".


Una publicación compartida de ONU Medio Ambiente (@onumedioambiente) el

The motto of the assembly will be "Think of the planet. Live simple", in order to establish effective trans-drug policies that are cross-cutting in different spheres such as politics, economy, technology, education, etc.

What can you expect from this assembly?

According to the UN, starting from the basis that the assembly is the greatest opportunity to discuss and about sustainable innovations, there are 5 topics that we cannot lose sight of.

1. "Faith for Earth": religion and the environment are issues that go hand in hand. In this assembly, different religious leaders will analyze the different environmental challenges based on faith.

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2. Against plastic: eliminating plastic is a titanic task, so producers and consumers must establish responsible consumption patterns.

3. Playing for the planet: the gaming industry and fun can contribute to the environment, how can it do it?

4. Green jobs: According to the UN, "sustainable production and consumption open up new opportunities for job creation. The International Renewable Energy Agency projects that jobs in renewable energy could increase from 8.1 million today to more than 24 million in 2030. Leaders of educational institutions and other key sectors will shed light on the future of this sector".



Una publicación compartida de ONU Medio Ambiente (@onumedioambiente) el

5. Sustainable fashion: the textile industry is one of the most polluting in the world, however, it is also a key economic sector. For this reason, the implementation of a circular production model must be considered.


LatinAmerican Post | Marcela Peñaloza

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