
Crimes that Bind, the popular drama about gender violence

The Argentine world premiere, supported by UN Women and ILO and starring Cecilia Roth, is stirring the conversation.

Still from the trailer for the movie 'Family Crimes'.

The Argentine film focuses on the issue of gender violence. / Photo: YT / Netflix

The Woman Post | Maria Lourdes Zimmermann

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Leer en español: Crímenes de Familia, el popular drama sobre violencia de género

Netflix recently released Family Crimes, an Argentine film with a quality seal as it stars Cecilia Roth and Miguel Ángel Solá. A moral drama based on a real life story that addresses gender violence, corruption in justice, inequality and labor injustices.

The film directed by Argentine filmmaker Sebastián Schindel was dubbed into 30 languages and can be seen by 190 million users of the platform.

The film tells, in parallel, two related stories about gender violence around a wealthy family from Argentina and a humble domestic worker, marking the tragedy between the two stories and a macabre relationship of painful and unjust events, with a meticulous presentation of the different instances of judicial proceedings.

Specialists from the Country Office of the International Labor Organization ILO for Argentina and UN Women actively participated in the pre-production of the film and the writing of the script for this moving story.

“Crimes that Bind is inspired by a true story, but also countless echoes of real experiences that women face every day all over the world reverberate in that story,” said Pedro Américo Furtado de Oliveira, new Director of the ILO Country Office for Mexico and Cuba.

Similarly, the film's argument sheds light on the importance of ILO Convention 189, on domestic workers – ratified by Argentina and Mexico, which establishes a series of guarantees so that people who are part of the sector have guarantees and favorable working conditions like any other worker.

The story of Gladys, one of the protagonists of the film, reveals the pain of abuse, of a tragic and painful childhood in which her rights as a child were violated and that situation is reflected in everything that she will have to live and endure being forced to be a worker in a high-income household in Argentina.

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The ILO, reveals that domestic workers (more than 2.2 million people) in the specific case of Mexico , are mainly women. Nine out of every 10 and 75% do not have any type of benefits, says the Director of the ILO for Mexico and Cuba.

“From the ILO we consider that this film demonstrates how imperative it is, that domestic workers have a legal framework that protects them, as recognized by the Mexican government through the deposit of ILO Convention 189- as well as the essential need of effective instruments to protect against harassment in all areas ”, concluded Furtado de Oliveira.

For Lucía Martelotte, coordinator of UN Women Programs in Argentina, "the construction of this film allows us to glimpse the complexity of gender-based violence and also its multidimensional nature." Along these lines, "It is essential to take intersectionality into account not only when making violence visible, but also when thinking about public policies that tackles it," said Martelotte.

The other social problem addressed by the film is gender violence from different perspectives and the psychological consequences generated by this global scourge of which today 1 in 3 women are victims of according to UN Women and in some countries this proportion increases to 7 out of 10 .

Cecilia Roth, recounts on Instagram how she agreed to be part of a low-budget film.


#crimenesdefamilia Hace tres años @ @sebastian.schindler y yo tomábamos algo en un bar cerca de casa. Hablamos una hora larga sin conocernos, sobre un guion que aún no tenía titulo. Lo leí esa misma noche y unos días después lo llamé Una persona desconocida había abierto una puerta hacia un mundo nuevo, el suyo. La intimidad de lo escrito es siempre inquietante cuando respira verdad. Pasaron meses y años hasta poder concretar el proyecto. Se rodó en cuatro semanas con presupuesto acotado. Mucho ensayo previo, mucha construcción quirúrgica. Había poco tiempo pero mucha entrega de todo un equipo, una familia que se zambulliría en otra. Se estrenaría en mayo en la Argentina. Mayo no fue el mayo que supusimos sería, ni junio, ni julio, ni agosto; mes en el que me enteré que se estrenaria , el día 20, en una plataforma que tiene millones de usuarios. Qué pasó? Es difícil explicarlo, pero explotó en este extraño planeta distópico en el que vivimos distanciados unxs de lxs otrxs, se convirtió en la 4ta película más vista planetariamente…llevamos días en casas que no conocemos, en sitios lejanos, en países distantes, acercando esta historia a otras historias. Es abrumador, pero hoy me dispuse a disfrutarlo. Porqué no? Una copa y a brindar por una buena… #Netflix #yaninaavila #paolabarrientos #sofiagala #benjaminamadeo #miguelangelsola #santi #mariamarull #diegocremonesi & todxs lxs compañerxs de orquesta, por ustedes y por la vida

A post shared by cecilia roth (@ceciroth) on

“Three years ago Sebastián Schindler and I had a drink in a bar close to home, we talked for a long hour without knowing each other, about a script that still had no title. I read it that same night and a few days later I called him, ” Roth explains. “An unknown person had opened a door to a new world, his. The intimacy of what is written is always disturbing when it breathes truth, affirms the Argentine actress.

Available from August 20, the film promises to be a success for touching on real, recurring events that need urgent solutions worldwide when labor slavery, gender violence and corruption affect women in the world and it is urgent to continue to propose solutions for the recognition of their rights and lines of defense as stated in the film.

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