
Michelle Obama’s Best Advice for Young Generations

The former African American First Lady has always believed in the power of books and classrooms. 

The former African American First Lady has always believed in the power of books and classrooms. As proof of this, she has led many educational initiatives to encourage young students to continue their studies after finishing high school.

The Woman Post | Carolina Rodríguez Monclou

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Michelle Obama grew up in a one-bedroom apartment with her older brother Craig. She was a brilliant student from the beginning, and when she was in sixth grade, she was taking French classes in her school's gifted program. She attended Princeton University and later graduated from Harvard Law School.

During a speech to the sophomore class at Bell Multicultural High School in Washington, Michelle stated, "Once you have completed your education, you will have the foundation you need to build a successful life." According to her, finishing school is the only way students can overcome adversity and achieve their goals.

Michelle recommends that students think carefully about who they will be in order to decide to pursue a degree. This reflection goes deeper into the question: how do you plan to live your life every day?

At a ceremony at Eastern Kentucky University, Michelle asked young people, "How are you going to react when you don't get that job where you have put your dreams and illusions?"

Rather than encouraging young graduates to prepare for success, she reflected on the importance of resilience and moving forward despite difficulties. For Michelle, challenging times are the times that define us because they challenge us to prove ourselves.


Michelle's advice to students is to build character and be persistent every day of their lives and never give up. Regarding this point, she assures "if you are willing to go deeper, if you are willing to get up when you fall, if you are willing to work and dedicate yourself until your weakness turns into strength, then you will develop a set of skills that you can mold and apply to whatever situation you find, "insists the former first lady of the United States.

The iconic figure shares one of her secrets: She has never hired anyone for an outstanding career path, but for their human quality, which includes hard work, being trustworthy and being open to new points of view.

All of these values ​​are learned from parents and the communities in which we grew up. For Michelle, what the world needs is resilience.

One of Michelle's educational initiatives, "Let Girls Learn", aims to help the 62 million girls around the world who are out of school. She has fought against the barriers that stand in the way of girls wanting to learn, such as financial problems, assault and child marriage. Michelle has made this cause possible through partnerships with NGOs, businesses, and foundations to work on girls' behavior everywhere.

Michelle Obama's best advice for students is this: "You must understand that your experience and overcoming adversity is actually one of your greatest assets."

Don't be afraid to fail, because it is the only way you can learn to be successful in life. Michelle's poignant speech graciously breaks the students' bubble before setting her feet in the real world.

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