Isabel Cristina De Ávila: An Unstoppable Conviction in the Tech World

Her enthusiasm and joy run through her veins and are present in her voice, her easy laugh, and a marked accent from the Colombian Caribbean, from her beloved Cartagena.

The Woman Post | María Consuelo Caicedo Toro

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She is a woman full of energy, she does not wear makeup, she does not have children but an eternal courtship. She is nerdy, lively, eloquent, professional, intelligent, and personable. Talking to her is simply an adventure. She has a lot to tell.

Although she has been a victim of machismo in various settings and occasions, she has gallantly faced the challenge. Many men have disqualified and discredited her work through unpleasant comments such as that women should spend time putting on makeup and not talking about issues that they do not handle. “I am the most feminine of all, I do not change tires, I do not put lights or pay bills. Men and women need each other because it is preferable to team up. I can sustain a topic with professionalism and character because I have prepared myself and I have criteria and that is not determined by my gender. I enforce the female voice because we are strict, passionate, and organized, or else so many millions of women who are heads of households say so.”

What does Isabel Cristina De Ávila do to face the day to day? By way of confidence and although she does not usually wear makeup, she paints her lips in intense red and tells The Woman Post: "The more afraid I am, the more lipstick I get on my lips!"

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She is the owner of a consulting company in innovation and digital transformation that she called New Business, through which she benefits private and public productive units regardless of their size. The idea that she guides this project is "wanting to contribute to the competitiveness and regional development of Colombia." She wants to give back to life what she has given, to contribute to humanity and to the solution of its problems.

Isabel herself knows both the private and public sectors because she, as a professional, has held executive positions that give her experience and a sense of responsibility. In social networks, her name is being portrayed a long trajectory like this, verbatim: Lawyer, geek-girl, master's degree in economic law, specialization in regulation and telecommunications law, tax and administrative law, from the Externado de Colombia University. She is certified in exponential organizations, a consultant for different companies, and a leader in the formulation and implementation of public and regulatory policies for the ICT industry. She worked at SENA as director of the Public Employment Service at the National Level and, in addition, is a lecturer on issues of digital transformation, entrepreneurship, growth and consolidation, university professor, member of the board of directors of ASOPOSTAL and of the Presidential Advisory Council of Colombian Companies.

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As manager of Dominio.CO and Internet Governance of the Ministry of Information Technologies and Communications of Colombia Isabel Cristina finds great challenges: “You must seek solutions for the reactivation and strengthening of the economy with the purpose of contributing to the well-being of all.”

Entrepreneur and successful, she focuses on Colombian women who want to make visible and help and that is why she founded a group of women from civil society, Mujeres TIC (ICT Women), to promote gender equality policies in the labor market, promote taste in girls and young people. by information and communication technologies as a subject of professional study and to seek the presence of women in managerial positions in organizations.

ICT Women

Isabel advises her fellow men on fundamental aspects such as independence, promotion of empowerment, education, and permanent support for entrepreneurial proposals.

How to have access to the possibilities that Isabel Cristina De Ávila and her companions open to everyone? “They simply write to our ICT Women networks. We have regional groups in Bogotá, Cali, and Medellín and my phone is available. I am visible, accessible and I want to help”.

From this scene watched by female eyes, she has positively impacted businesswomen and entrepreneurs through support and generous advice. An example, she has been having provided free domains for the marketing of products on the net.


It is clear that Isabel Cristina is skilled in handling technology and the advice she gives to women who want to keep their faces up, positive and empowered is to integrate into this world that has proven to be the great gateway to hundreds of possibilities of business for more than a year that humanity has been under the control of COVID-19.

To enjoy her leisure time, at the beginning of the pandemic, she founded a reading club for men and women called "The Hedgehog" with rules and goals: "Each week the members read a specific number of pages and per year they must have consumed at least 10 books. We have tackled titles that reflect the lives of empowered women in history.”

She also has a blog in which she says "I write about what I don't know but it amuses me, I make fun of what happens to us that can sometimes be painful."

She describes herself as passionate and generous, waking up early to read and exercise. Her recommendation for women who would like to achieve goals is that they think that their effort will bear fruit "and those fruits that they will collect will be proportional to the generosity with which they have contributed their efforts and knowledge to the world."

Isabel Cristina, as a native Latina, shares her vision of women: “We live in macho societies and we must understand that, compared to men, we are in uneven spaces but we have to work to be on a par with opportunities, salaries and jobs and for that you have to prepare.”

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