
Neuroscience Has Changed the Myth That Men and Women Have Different Talents

There was a myth about the biological difference between men's and women's brains for years. We will tell you what the current reality is.

The Woman Post | Ariel Cipolla

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Do you like social networks? You should be careful because there is much "fake news" that you may believe to be true, but in reality, they are false. Even though many publications claim to be "scientific," there is no informative veracity. And this is something we see in many examples.

One of the most prominent has to do with the difference in the brains of men and women. Surely, you have observed some infographics that describe the brain areas of women and men. For example, women tend to be more developed in the "emotional" area, while men have the "rational" area.

For many years, this was believed to be a scientific truth. Fortunately, advances in neuroscience today have proven this to be untrue. There is no such thing as an archetypal female brain, just as there is no such thing as a purely male brain structure.

Get To Know the Human Brain

In reality, what exists are human beings who have more or less developed aptitudes. For example, the fact that women, in general, have smaller brains and men larger brains does not mean that any of them is more intelligent. Even the very notion of "intelligence" is debatable.

Moreover, it should be noted that these are all generalizations since there are women with larger brains than men. Even one of the most "intelligent" people in history, Albert Einstein, had a smaller brain than the average man. Consequently, it is not an element that influences people's capabilities.

According to neuroscientist Daphna Joel, the brain is intersex. This is changing in science since, in the last 50 years, more than 50,000 research studies have been published. Most of them agree that men and women have the same brain areas, but each brain is different, regardless of sex.

In addition, much of the "research" is based on prejudices. For example, one of the most famous is the stereotype that women are less logical since the right (emotional) hemisphere interferes with information processing. On the other hand, men have a more developed left hemisphere (cold and emotional).

But that is also a mistake! There is no notion of a "left" and "right" side, much less associated with specific skills. This explains why, for many years, women did not have access to positions of power. These "researches" claimed that women had particular hormones that generated temperament changes. Thus, many women were historically relegated from relevant roles such as the U.S. space program.

What happens with behavioral changes that are assumed to be "real"? One example is premenstrual syndrome, which can cause discomfort in women. Although it is not ruled out that the symptoms exist per se, a question of learning may also play a role.

From an early age, women assume that menstruation is an "undesirable" moment. In addition, the culture itself generates the idea that they, during these moments, will be "unstable," with feelings such as anger, rage, or sadness. Therefore, from a psychological perspective, they may have been conditioned to act this way.


These behavioral differences may arise because of how they were raised and not necessarily because of biology. For example, some research shows that 24-month-olds are very sensitive to gender-typical behaviors and act according to their expectations.

Finally, this can also affect the girls' professional future. When they play, they have fun and see it as a training opportunity. As a result, their brains are molded from an early age, directly influencing their adult behaviors.

What does this mean? For example, if children historically use toy tools to "repair" objects, they may have greater skills in similar areas in the future. Therefore, it is vital that toys are not determined by gender but that children choose the right ones according to their desires.

In short, you have seen that there are no issues that indicate that women's and men's brains are different. Instead, there may be gender, psychological and behavioral issues that directly influence the way women behave.

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