Argentina Launches a Nuclear-Powered Plastic Control Program in Antarctica

From the Marambio base, in the Argentine Antarctic, President Javier Milei began cooperation activities with the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) for the use of nuclear energy to control plastic pollution, according to official sources.
Argentina Inaugurates Project to Monitor Pollution in Antarctica
The president traveled to the Marambio Joint Antarctic Base, together with the head of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, to launch the Nutec Plastics project, to monitor marine pollution caused by microplastics and nanoplastics on the continent’s coasts.
“Through this program, Argentina will begin a new chapter in its long and distinguished history in Antarctic science. Through international cooperation agreements, we seek to enhance our capabilities to provide quality scientific information for decision-making within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty,” Milei said in a statement.
Argentina’s Commitment to Antarctic Science and International Cooperation
The Argentine president, Milei, together with the head of the IAEA, Rafael Grossi, visited the Marambio Joint Antarctic Base to launch the Nutec Plásticas project. The objective: monitor marine pollution caused by microplastics and nanoplastics on the Antarctic coasts.
In a statement, Milei highlighted the Argentine commitment to Antarctic science. Through international agreements, they seek to strengthen capacities to provide crucial scientific information within the framework of the Antarctic Treaty.
Global Collaboration in the Fight against Marine Pollution
At a global level, the initiative has the collaboration of 63 countries in marine monitoring and another 30 nations that are developing innovative recycling technologies, with methods such as irradiation to treat existing plastic material and make them suitable for reuse.
“The exercise of science, cooperation, and the preservation of the Antarctic environment are priority axes of our Antarctic foreign policy,” said the president, after getting off the plane that took him from Río Gallegos (province of Santa Cruz) to the Marambio base.
The activities include the organization of expert missions, training for sample collection and analysis, and logistical support to facilitate the access of scientific personnel to Antarctica, which will include publications and best practices in the field of international cooperation.
“Argentina is renewing its commitment to the international community, making its contribution for our common good and that of future generations,” he added.
Institutional Coordination for the Implementation of the Agreement
According to official information, this project will transport two scientific groups to Antarctica that will work for 60 and 120 days, respectively, coordinated with the Argentine Ministry of Defense, for logistical support of the researchers.
For its part, the Argentine Antarctic Institute will analyze the samples taken and the IAEA will provide supplies, laboratory equipment, and financing for training.
The Argentine Antarctic Program coordinates the implementation of the agreement through the National Antarctic Directorate (DNA), which depends on the Argentine Foreign Ministry, and according to the Antarctic Treaty System.
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“The ‘Nutec Plastics’ initiative is a program for the study of marine plastic pollution that covers almost all the world’s seas, except the Antarctic. Through this agreement, our country will extend this program to the white continent,” the document highlighted.