Venezuela Wants to Live in a Democracy

Authoritarianism in Venezuela has moved forward by leaps and bounds with the rulings of the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ), giving extraordinary powers to Nicolás Maduro so he can do whatever he wants. It gave him clearance to legislate and imprison anyone he wants.
Since its defeat during a parliamentary election on December 6 2015, the chavismo regime decided to abandon the electoral path, which had given it such good results, and pave the way towards dictatorship in its purest form, as confirmed by Luisa Ortega Díaz, the Attorney General, who boldly denounced the violation of the Constitution after two rulings were issued by the TSJ last week.
In addition, the whole world was able to see the true face of chavismo with the events that took place at the OAS. The interventions, firstly of Foreign Affairs Minister Delcy Rodríguez and subsequently that of the Permanent Representative to the OAS Samuel Moncada, allowed everybody to understand what respect, tolerance and debate means to the Government of Venezuela.
The steps taken by the TSJ are quite serious and are worthy of a very coherent response on the part of the Democratic Unity Roundtable (MUD) opposition coalition and all democratic sectors in the country.
It is time to address the issue with a cool head and not get carried away by emotions. The international pressure will be maintained despite the possibility Venezuela may be suspended from the OAS, but that kind of pressure is insufficient. Political costs must be increased for the Government if it stays in power through internal pressures and by demanding the restoration of constitutional order.
Venezuelans want to live in a democracy.