Mexico’s First Zero-Waste Restaurant Leads a Sustainability Revolution

Baldío, a collaboration between Arca Tierra and Silo Londres, is redefining the restaurant industry in Mexico by embracing zero-waste principles and sustainable agricultural practices. This pioneering establishment serves as a beacon of environmental responsibility and innovation, as Wiired recently reported.

In the heart of Mexico City, a groundbreaking culinary project is taking shape, aiming to revolutionize how we think about food, sustainability, and the future of our planet. Baldío, the country’s first zero-waste restaurant, is a collaborative effort between Arca Tierra, a leader in regenerative agriculture, and Silo Londres, the world’s first zero-waste restaurant. Opened on August 22, 2024, Baldío is more than just a dining destination—it is a bold statement about sustainable living possibilities and a commitment to nurturing the planet.

A New Paradigm in Restaurant Management

Baldío’s mission is simple yet profound: to operate a restaurant that produces no waste aligns with natural processes, and supports local communities. Located at Antonio Sola 26 in Mexico City, this innovative restaurant is setting a new standard in the culinary world by adopting principles of zero waste and circularity. The result is a dining experience that delights the senses and honors the environment.

The creation of Baldío marks a significant shift in the restaurant industry, which high levels of waste and resource consumption have traditionally plagued. By contrast, Baldío is designed to be a model of sustainability, reducing waste from the typical 30% to an impressive 3%. This achievement is made possible by the restaurant’s commitment to sourcing ingredients locally, using every part of the produce, and composting any remaining organic matter.

The philosophy behind Baldío is that waste is not a certainty but a failure of imagination. By rethinking how ingredients are used and how processes are managed, Baldío demonstrates that it is possible to run a successful restaurant without contributing to the growing problem of food waste. This approach benefits the environment and creates a more ethical and responsible food system.

The Role of Arca Tierra and the Chinampas of Xochimilco

At the core of Baldío’s operations is its close relationship with Arca Tierra, a network of farmers and producers dedicated to regenerative agriculture. Arca Tierra has been at the forefront of the agroecological movement in Mexico, promoting sustainable farming practices that enrich the soil, conserve water, and support biodiversity. This partnership is crucial to Baldío’s success, as it ensures a steady supply of fresh, locally sourced ingredients grown with the utmost respect for the environment.

One of the most critical aspects of Arca Tierra’s work is its involvement with the chinampas of Xochimilco, a UNESCO World Heritage site and one of the last remaining examples of traditional Mesoamerican agriculture. The chinampas are ancient artificial islands used for farming for over a thousand years. Today, they serve as the primary source of produce for Baldío, providing the restaurant with a direct link to Mexico’s agricultural heritage.

The chinampas are a vital resource for Baldío and a living classroom for the restaurant’s staff. Employees regularly visit Xochimilco to learn about traditional farming techniques and harvest the produce used in the kitchen. This hands-on experience helps to deepen their understanding of the ingredients they work with and fosters a greater appreciation for the natural world.

Silo Londres: Pioneering Zero-Waste Dining

Baldío’s zero-waste philosophy is heavily influenced by the pioneering work of Silo Londres, the world’s first zero-waste restaurant. Founded by chef Douglas McMaster, Silo has been at the cutting edge of sustainable dining since its inception. McMaster’s approach is based on the belief that every element in the food system has a place and a purpose and that by thinking creatively, it is possible to eliminate waste.

Silo’s success has been recognized globally, earning it a Michelin Green Star, an award that highlights restaurants with outstanding sustainability practices. McMaster’s collaboration with Baldío brings this innovative ethos to Mexico, where it is adapted to local conditions and ingredients. The result is a restaurant that minimizes waste and celebrates Mexico’s rich culinary traditions.

One of the fundamental principles at Baldío, inherited from Silo, is the use of whole ingredients. This means that every part of the produce is utilized, from the roots to the leaves, ensuring nothing goes to waste. Additionally, any organic matter that cannot be used in the kitchen is composted and returned to the soil, creating a closed-loop system that enriches the earth rather than depleting it.

A Culinary Team Committed to Sustainability

The success of Baldío is driven by a dedicated team of chefs, farmers, and hospitality professionals who share a passion for sustainability and innovation. Leading the charge is Lucio Usobiaga, founder of Baldío and director general of Arca Tierra. Usobiaga’s vision for Baldío is to create a restaurant that serves as a vehicle for ideas, health, restoration, and culture. He believes that by aligning the restaurant’s operations with natural processes, Baldío can open up new possibilities for how we live and interact with the planet.

Working alongside Usobiaga is a multicultural and multidisciplinary team that brings together expertise from different corners of the world. Key figures include Max MacLean, former executive chef of Silo, who now leads the research and development at Baldío, and Francisco Prato, a rising star in the Mexican culinary scene with a deep interest in fermentation and sustainable cooking techniques. Together, they are responsible for creating a menu that tastes incredible and tells the story of the ingredients and the people who grow them.

The menu at Baldío is designed to reflect the rhythms of the seasons and the work of the farmers who supply the restaurant. The menu showcases the diversity of Mexico’s agricultural landscape with 15 dishes, of which 70% are plant-based. Each dish is crafted with care, making the most of every ingredient and highlighting the region’s unique flavors.

The Future of Sustainable Dining

Baldío represents a new chapter in the story of sustainable dining in Mexico. By combining the expertise of Arca Tierra and Silo Londres, the restaurant is setting a new standard for what it means to be environmentally responsible in the culinary world. But Baldío’s impact extends beyond its walls. As a model of zero-waste dining, Baldío is inspiring other restaurants and businesses to rethink their operations and adopt more sustainable practices.

The lessons learned at Baldío are also being shared with the broader community. Through educational programs, workshops, and collaborations with local farmers and producers, Baldío is helping to spread the principles of regenerative agriculture and zero-waste living. These initiatives are essential for building a more sustainable future for the restaurant industry and society.

As the world grapples with climate change, resource depletion, and environmental degradation, Baldío offers a glimpse of what is possible when creativity and sustainability are at the heart of the dining experience. By working in harmony with nature, Baldío is reducing its environmental footprint and enriching the lives of those who come into contact with it.

Baldío as a Beacon of Sustainability

Baldío is more than just a restaurant—it is a beacon of sustainability, a place where the future of food is being reimagined in real-time. By embracing zero-waste principles and working closely with local farmers, Baldío is demonstrating that it is possible to create a dining experience that is both delicious and sustainable. The restaurant’s commitment to circularity, responsible sourcing, and community engagement sets it apart as a leader in the global movement towards more ethical and environmentally friendly food systems.

The collaboration between Arca Tierra and Silo Londres has resulted in a restaurant that not only challenges the status quo but also offers a viable alternative to traditional practices in the industry. As Baldío continues to grow and evolve, it will undoubtedly inspire others to follow in its footsteps, creating a ripple effect that could transform how we think about food and sustainability.

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For those who dine at Baldío, the experience is not just about enjoying a meal but about participating in a movement that seeks to redefine our relationship with the planet. In a world where waste is often seen as inevitable, Baldío is a potent reminder that with imagination and determination, we can create a future where every element of the food system is valued and respected.

Baldío is lighting the way forward in the heart of Mexico City, showing that sustainability and gastronomy can go hand in hand. This pioneering restaurant is not just nature’s favorite—it is a model for the future of dining in a world that desperately needs change.

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