Uruguay and Mexico to offer support to entrepreneurs

The Uruguay-Mexico Joint Cooperation Fund unveiled a project on Tuesday for supporting entrepreneurs via the creation of a Mexican-tested website open to founders of new businesses.
“With this alliance, we aim to replicate this network strategy to support entrepreneurs, which has a good deal of content that may be useful across Latin America,” Mexican National Entrepreneurship Institute (INADEM) assistant director Carmen Garcia said.
“We’re sure this joint strategy will set a precedent for cooperation in supporting entrepreneurial culture, not just in both countries, but in all Latin America,” Garcia said.
Mexico’s support network for entrepreneurs includes 40 federal agencies and 72 private sector “partners” providing assistance at all stages of an entrepreneur’s project and focusing on small- and mid-sized businesses, the INADEM official said.
The support network offers more than 100 products, services, solutions and processes that entrepreneurs, who create 70 percent of the jobs in Mexico, can access on a digital platform, Garcia said.
Entrepreneurs receive assistance from “the time the business is just an idea” so they “can take that idea on the right path from a formal proposal to trademark registration, funding, web presence, training, human resources, billing and connecting to global chains,” the INADEM official said.
“There are a number of agencies and private institutions providing support to entrepreneurs” in Uruguay, Industry, Energy and Mining Minister Guillermo Moncecchi said, adding that “sometimes, the tools that are available are not well known.”
Felipe Ortiz, deputy director of the Uruguayan Agency for International Cooperation (AUCI), said the project with the Mexican Agency for International Cooperation in Development (AMEXCID) was part of a new “South-South” cooperation effort.