Toxic Shock Syndrome: Cares When Using Tampons or the Menstrual Cup

It is Essential that Those who use Menstrual Products Know the Hygiene Recommendations for Safe use that Prevents the Proliferation of Dangerous Bacteria.

Menstrual cup and tampons

Photo: Pexels

LatinAmerican Post | Julieta Gutiérrez

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Leer en español: Síndrome del Shock Tóxico: Cuidados al usar tampones o la copa menstrual

Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS) is an infectious disease, which is caused by a toxin or toxic substance, which is made up of some types of bacteria or microorganisms called staphylococci. This type of infectious disease can present various symptoms in the human body such as: vomiting, fever, diarrhea, muscle pain, headache, skin color changes, redness of the throat, mouth, and eyes. Although not common, its consequences are serious.

Although at some point it was not clear about how tampons can increase toxic shock syndrome, epidemiologists diagnosed that tampons in general are widely related to this infectious disease. According to reports from the FEMEBA Foundation, the absorption capacity of these products and the fact that they must be introduced into the vagina contribute to the production of toxins such as staphylococci.

In fact, stories of women who have had amputations after having toxic shock syndrome have gone viral. The case of model Lauren Wasser is probably the most famous. For this reason it is necessary to raise awareness about this syndrome and understand how to prevent it.

Another product that is introduced through the vaginal canal is the menstrual cup. However, the risk of contracting toxic shock with it is minimal, although it is necessary to maintain strict cleanliness when using it. A study published by the British medical journal: The Lancet Public Health, on leaks associated with menstrual cups, points out that indeed the loss of menstrual blood when using said product is one of the main drawbacks. However, the medical journal said that its panoramic review indicates that menstrual cups are a safe option for menstrual control.

With all this, it is very likely that you ask yourself: What is the product, or what is the most indicated and safe type of menstrual protection? The truth is that the kind of menstrual product you need to choose is completely up to you. It is essential that you think about your lifestyle and select the item that best suits your needs. In addition, the most important thing is that, when using any of these products, you have good hygiene that prevents the formation of bacteria.

We recommend you read: Ecofriendly Menstruation: How to Choose the Best Menstrual Product?

At LatinamericanPost, we will share some care and prevention tips that you need to have when using any kind of tampon or menstrual cup. All with the purpose of avoiding producing some type of toxin in your body that puts your health at risk.

Care and prevention when using tampons

It is relevant to adapt the level of absorption of tampons to the abundance of your menstrual flow; that is, it is not recommended that you use products with greater absorbency than you really require. It is also crucial that you change tampons frequently. Using the same tampon for more than 8 hours can contribute to the production of some type of toxin.

Also, it is worth mentioning that you should not reuse this product for any reason and of course, you always need to have adequate hygiene of your hands when inserting any kind of tampon. For no reason should you keep them out of their protective packaging or put any type of lubricating or other product on it.

Care and cleaning of the menstrual cup

It is important to let you know that, during the menstrual period, the cervix is slightly open, which could increase the risk of acquiring some kind of infection. It is for this reason that it is essential that your hands are completely clean before inserting or removing your menstrual cup.

In addition, it is very healthy that you empty the product at least twice a day, that is, every 12 hours. However, it is recommended to do it every 6 to 8 hours. In case you are away from home and do not have a place to wash it, you can empty the contents and carry a bottle with water to rinse it.

For no reason should you wash the menstrual cup with alcohol, oils, vinegar, bicarbonate, or hydrogen peroxide. These types of substances could damage the silicone, which is the material that makes up the cup. It is also not recommended that you use some type of lubricant to introduce the product. If for some reason you drop it in the toilet, it is best to change your menstrual cup, it is useless to wash it because it can become contaminated.

Finally, once your period is over, you should wash it and boil it in hot water for 10 minutes, and then store it in the breathable cotton bag. Before the next use, you should also sterilize it with boiling water.

Finally, it should be noted that if you have a tendency to forget to remove your tampon or menstrual cup, it is useful to set alarms. Also, if you have any strange symptoms, such as fever, sharp pain, vomiting or skin changes, while using these products it is necessary to see a doctor.

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