Do not be fooled: How to safely buy online

Find here some basic guidelines that will make it easier to shop online in a safe way

Do not be fooled: How to safely buy online

According to Business Insider, this year online purchases will generate revenues in the region by about 85,000 million dollars. However, there are a number of challenges in terms of information security and fear of buyers against possible fraud, cyber-attacks, or logistical complications.

Leer en español: No se deje engañar: ¿Cómo comprar en Internet de forma segura?

However, despite these risks, it is possible to enjoy this modality in a safe way following some basic guidelines:

1. Check who you are buying: before putting your data online, try to check the credibility of the page. Check what people say about their products on the internet and check the URL of the site to see if it has the https security protocol.
Sites like Amazon, Linio, OLX, and Wish have official websites and mobile applications that can be downloaded from official stores and do not constitute a security risk.

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2. Check your passwords: if your passwords have complex characters, numbers, uppercase and lowercase, you may have to change them for long sentences that are hard to guess but easy to remember for you.

3. Beware of some notifications: if you get emails notifying of alleged purchases made by you that offer the possibility of stopping them, first review your account statements before putting data online to verify if in fact there are such expenses.

4. Security patches: according to elPeriodico, make sure you stay up to date with mobile device updates to prevent possible scams. These updates usually include security patches that correct system vulnerabilities.

5. Beware of open networks: your personal information may be affected if you use public Wi-Fi networks when making purchases. Be sure to use a private network that encrypts your network traffic, and prevent it from being tracked, to keep your keys and bank details safe.

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6. Beware of sales: many of the offers found on the internet, which sound very good to be real, are made exclusively for the purpose of collecting your personal information and putting it at the service of hackers.

7. Reliable payment: use systems such as PayPal that are the best option when paying, check first with the bank of the card used and contact the seller to demand certain information.

Finally, according to QORE, e-commerce can also protect itself by using cybersecurity that has basic coverage such as liability for loss of personal data or privacy risks, protection against malware claims, coverage for loss of income, as a result, of a computer attack or security breach, cyber fraud coverage and technical assistance.


LatinAmerican Post | Luisa Fernanda Báez
Translated from “No se deje engañar: ¿Cómo comprar en Internet de forma segura?”

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