6 signs you and your partner are compatible
Relationships are not always easy, but if you are with the right person, then it can be very fulfilling. Here are six different ways to tell if you and your partner have what it takes to go the distance:
1. You don’t question the love in your relationship: You know you love your partner, and you know they love you; and there is no doubt in your mind about either of these things. You are secure and happy in your relationship, and even if you are a worrier by nature, you never question how your partner feels about you.
2. Your partner is the first person you want to share good and bad news with: Got a promotion? Won the lottery? No cavities? Your ideal partner will be the person who will be your biggest cheerleader and want to celebrate these victories without jealousy or scorekeeping. But also, in every life a little rain must fall. Compatible partners feel safe enough to splash in the puddles with one another. It takes a great deal of trust to disclose vulnerable, painful elements of your life to someone so important to you, but the strongest couples can withstand this strain and provide support while working toward a solution. If you can’t let your significant other help you when you’re down, how close are you?
3. You could spend time in silence without it being awkward: When you spend time with each other, you can do “your own thing” without having to put up with any awkward silence. There is uncomfortable silence where you feel like you have to fill the air with some form of small talk, and then there is comforting silence where there’s no pressure to start babbling about anything to stave off the awkwardness. If you have the latter, you can say you’re compatible.
4. You don’t want to change them: You respect your partner as an individual, and you don’t want to try to change them. Sure, they may talk in their sleep or dress in a way you don’t like, but you love them, and you can deal with it. If you want to change your partner’s personality or appearance, it could mean you and your partner aren’t compatible.
5. You have similar values: For couples who share the same outlook on life, this is one of the biggest factors in gauging compatibility. Is having the support of your family important for you? If so, it’s ideal to look for a partner that shares this same perspective. On the other hand, if you each have different religions, political beliefs or other different outlooks on life, does that make you automatically not a good match? Not necessarily, especially if you can come to a common middle ground on various topics and are empathetic towards your partner’s view. A mutual tolerance and desire to understand each other makes you compatible.
6. You take the time to really listen to each other: One of the cornerstones of a healthy relationship is that couples take the time to listen to their significant other and show their support this way. This can be one of the harder things to do, but a couple who puts in the effort to lend an ear to their partner will show that they are in for the long run.
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