
Chile and Colombia Unite for ‘Domestic Animals’ Film Project

Chile’s Juntos Films and Colombia’s Ferviente Films team up for “Domestic Animals,” a powerful drama exploring class, identity, and the American Dream. Starring Angie Cepeda and Juan Pablo Raba, the film delves into the lives of a domestic worker and a wealthy family in Miami.

Domestic Animals, an upcoming drama directed by Colombian filmmaker Rafael Martínez Moreno, is shaping up to be a significant project in Latin American cinema. The film is a collaborative effort between Chile’s Juntos Films and Colombia’s Ferviente Films, and it stars two of Colombia’s most renowned actors, Angie Cepeda and Juan Pablo Raba. This cross-cultural partnership highlights the strong connections between the two countries in storytelling and filmmaking.

Adapted from the original story by Antonio Garcia Angel, “Domestic Animals” explores the complex dynamics of class, identity, and the pursuit of the American Dream. The narrative centers around Felicidad, a 55-year-old domestic worker in Miami, who becomes entangled in the lives of the seemingly perfect Ibarra family. As Felicidad becomes more involved in their luxurious world, she witnesses the unraveling of the marriage between Guillermo (played by Raba), an investor, and Claudia (played by Cepeda), a former beauty queen. The film’s exploration of these themes is not just a commentary on the personal struggles of its characters but also a broader reflection on societal issues that resonate across Latin America.

Speaking to Variety, Francisco Hervé and Felipe Egaña of Juntos Films emphasized the story’s deep roots in Latin American culture. “When we read ‘Domestic Animals,’ we recognized it as a quintessentially Latin American story. The journey of its protagonist, Felicidad, is one of immigration, marked by the challenges of inequality and classism, yet navigated with dignity and optimism,” they shared. This recognition of the film’s cultural significance motivated Juntos Films to join forces with Ferviente Films, further solidifying the partnership between Chile and Colombia in bringing this important story to life.

Exploring the Complexities of Class and Identity

“Domestic Animals” delves into the intricate layers of class and identity, particularly in the context of the American Dream. Ivan Luna of Ferviente Films, also interviewed by Variety, noted how the film addresses these themes through its portrayal of the Ibarra family and Felicidad’s experiences. The story captures the ambiguity of the American Dream, where the pursuit of success often leads to the erosion of deep personal connections and the reinforcement of cultural and class barriers.

The film’s Miami setting, a city known for its stark contrasts between wealth and poverty, is an ideal backdrop for this exploration. Through Felicidad’s eyes, the audience is invited to witness the struggles of those who labor in the shadows to maintain the facades of the affluent. Felicidad is not just a passive observer; her dreams and desires are deeply influenced by the world she inhabits, making her a central figure in the narrative.

The decision to film primarily in Colombia, with a week of shooting in Miami for exteriors, underscores the film’s commitment to authenticity while highlighting its themes’ transnational nature. The producers hope to secure funding from Colombia, Chile, and potentially partners from Mexico and Europe to complete this ambitious project. Principal photography is expected to begin by the first semester of 2026, with the team currently focused on achieving the financing phase.

A Crucial Feminine Perspective

One of the most compelling aspects of “Domestic Animals” is its focus on the relationship between the two central female characters, Felicidad and Claudia. Diana Pérez Mejia of Ferviente Films highlighted the importance of having writer Juliana Ospina on board to ensure the script reflects a crucial feminine perspective. “Her involvement ensures a crucial feminine perspective in shaping the main characters and the complex relationship between Felicidad and Claudia, which is the focus of the current script revision,” Pérez Mejia told Variety.

This focus on the feminine perspective is particularly significant in a story dealing with themes of power, class, and vulnerability. Both Felicidad and Claudia are trapped in different ways by societal expectations. As a domestic worker, Felicidad is expected to remain invisible and subservient, while Claudia, a former beauty queen, is confined by the need to maintain her image and status. The film explores how these two women navigate their roles within a patriarchal society and how their interactions with each other reveal more profound truths about their identities.

In her interview with Variety, Angie Cepeda, who plays Claudia, expressed her deep connection to the story and its themes. “What captivated me most about this story is that, even though we may seem to come from different worlds, vulnerability unites us,” she remarked. This shared vulnerability is a crucial theme in “Domestic Animals,” highlighting the common humanity transcending social and economic divides.

A Film for Our Times

“Domestic Animals” is more than just a film about the lives of its characters; it is a reflection of broader societal issues that resonate in today’s world. The film’s exploration of class, immigration, and the American Dream speaks to the experiences of many people across the globe who are grappling with similar challenges. In a time of increasing social and economic inequality, the Felicidad and the Ibarra family’s story is a powerful reminder of the human cost of these disparities.

The decision to co-produce the film between Chile and Colombia, with potential partners from Mexico and Europe, also speaks to the collaborative spirit of Latin American cinema. By bringing together talent and resources from across the region, filmmakers can create a work deeply rooted in its cultural context and universally resonant.

As the film progresses to production, the team behind “Domestic Animals” is keenly aware of their responsibility in telling this story. The challenges of capturing the nuances of class and identity on screen are significant, but the filmmakers are committed to doing justice to the material. The involvement of experienced actors like Angie Cepeda, Juan Pablo Raba, and Rafael Martínez Moreno’s creative vision gives the project a strong foundation for success.

Looking Ahead

As “Domestic Animals” progresses through its development stages, the anticipation surrounding the film continues to build. With its powerful themes, compelling characters, and talented cast and crew, the film has the potential to impact Latin American cinema and the global film landscape significantly.

For the team behind the film, the journey of bringing “Domestic Animals” to the screen is just beginning. The next few years will be crucial in securing the necessary funding, finalizing the script, and preparing for production. But with the passion and dedication of everyone involved, there is little doubt that the film will succeed.

Also read: How Netflix Is Overlooking Colombian Content and Audiences

Ultimately, “Domestic Animals” is a story about the complexities of the human experience, told through the lens of class, identity, and the pursuit of the American Dream. It challenges us to think deeply about our world and how we are all connected, regardless of our social or economic status. And it promises to resonate with audiences long after the credits roll.

As Variety continues to report on the progress of “Domestic Animals,” one thing is clear: this film has the potential to make a lasting impact, both on the screen and in the hearts of viewers worldwide.

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