Social networks are creating greater insecurity in the self-esteem of women
The "ideal body" is indicated as an attainable goal for all, when the reality is that this is far from the truth
While in networks like Instagram and Facebook we find positive support groups, people exercising and praising healthy living; " Fitness fashion" can cause many to take messages as a threat. Many times, this movement is understood in the wrong way and the messages of health and strength, can be transmitted (and accepted) as challenges for extreme weight loss and unattainable ideals.
Leer en español: Trastornos alimentarios y redes Sociales
In the Huffingtonpost, it points out that people suffering from anorexia, bulimia, binge eating disorders, vigorexia and other unclassified, obsess over their image, and feelings and thoughts about food flood their day to day. Among the thousands of factors that affect them, now social networks are added. Although it can not be said that they are the main cause, they have begun to play an important role in the development of TACs (Eating Disorders), causing people to participate in inadequate eating patterns.
In a study cited by the publication, it is pointed out that the media are a great risk factor in the development of these disorders, making a dent in the image that the person has about themselves, their body dissatisfaction and the constant comparison with models / athletes or famous users. The "ideal body" is indicated as an attainable goal for all, when the reality is that this is far from the truth.
Although for a time it began to talk in the networks of how exercise and healthy life served as inspiration for those people suffering from certain disorders, substituting the thin for the "strong", many experts feel that these messages "positive" they are not having the real impact that you want. Insider magazine cites the work of two Australian scientists who summarized 20 previously published studies on social networks and body image. These investigations showed that the use of many social networks was related to an increase in body dissatisfaction and poor relationship with food; and this "dissatisfaction" is not taken as a passing sensation, but it can cause depression, anxiety and collaborate in eating disorders.
The figures cited in the publication are not encouraging: a highly publicized study observed a group of 276 women users of the Instagram network. In them, staying in the same for only 30 minutes a day was related to higher levels of objectification and greater body dissatisfaction. In addition, it was compared to women who published fitness-inspired photos and others who published travel photos. Fit-inspired images yielded higher scores on "impulse for thinness" and "compulsive exercise" measurements. Almost 18% of the group was "at risk of diagnosing a clinical eating disorder ," according to the authors, compared to 4.3% who placed travel photos. It is worth mentioning that these studies were quite small -according to what they say in the publication- but that they give a starting point towards other investigations.
Nor can it be said that seeing a picture of a girl on Instagram will translate IGNORE INTO the development of a TAC, but this can influence those who are more prone.
Evaluate if you have a predisposition to TAC by responding "always", "often", "sometimes" or "never" to these questions taken from Todofitness:
1) Do you prepare food for others but do not eat what you made?
2) Do you have cravings before eating?
3) Does the food worry a lot?
4) Do you feel extremely guilty after eating?
5) Do you cut your food IGNORE INTO small pieces?
6) When you exercise only think about burning all the calories you consumed?
7) Is it weighed several times a day?
8) Do you sleep little and get up very early in the morning?
9) Do you always eat the same?
10) Do other people think that you are very thin?
11) Do you delay eating more than other people?
12) Do you suffer from constipation?
13) Do you feel that your life revolves around what you eat?
14) Do you take laxatives?
15) Do you have the urge to vomit after eating?
Each answer that answered "always" adds 3 points, "often" 2 points, "sometime" 1 point, "never" equals zero. If you or a close person gets a score around 30, you should consult with a professional who from a guide to an appropriate treatment.
Latin American Post | Clementine Ramos
Copy edited by Susana Cicchetto