Are you interested in teleworking? This is what you need to know

Along with Chile, Colombia leads the region in the implementation of teleworking, followed by Brazil and Argentina

How is the situation of teleworking in Latin America?

A report from the Colombian Security Council revealed that the goal set by the Government through the Telework agreement, according to which by the end of this year the country would have 120 thousand people working with this modality, was fulfilled in the first nine months of the year. In fact, it has already reached the 123 thousand workers who work from the place they want.

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According to the Portal Teletrabajo Colombia, this is a way of working that consists of the rendering of services or the performance of remunerated activities. This without requiring the physical presence of the worker, who uses information and communication technologies as support for contact with the company.

To date, there are more than 290 million teleworkers in the world. Jorge Oswaldo Restrepo, vice president of the union, said that in the country this modality has tripled in the last eight years. In addition, together with Chile, Colombia is a leader in the region in the implementation of teleworking, followed by Brazil and Argentina.

"It is important to note that 0.5 percent of workers worldwide, who work outside the facilities of companies, return to the traditional model, evidencing their preference for the new trend," said Restrepo.

In this regard, the Citrix company recently developed the report "Qué Pasa en Latam: cloud, security and flexible jobs", which shows how different generations adapt to teleworking.

The report found that in Colombia, millennials are the generation that has best adapted to these flexible workspaces by 74% because they believe that labor relations should enter a flexible stage in terms of time, space, participation and relationship between employer and employee. Behind is Generation X (born between 1965-1979) by 22% and Baby Boomers (born between 1946 and 1964) by 4%.

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For Juan Pablo Villegas, general manager of Citrix for Colombia, "at the moment that a company begins to host telework, there are innumerable benefits that it acquires not only for the business, but for its workers, because not only is there an economic saving, but that increases productivity because people, through the support of technology, have the possibility to work in their own environment and feel more comfortable ".

In addition, according to the report, Medellín (29,751), Cali (13,379), Bucaramanga (4,992) and Barranquilla (4,827), are the other cities in the country that concentrate most teleworkers. For its part, the Ministry of Communications and Transportation continues the efforts to encourage the adoption of ICT in companies in the public and private sectors.

"We have a virtual and face-to-face training offer for entrepreneurs and leaders of public entities with the aim of helping them to implement this model, based on a methodology that includes the best national and international corporate practices." As for teleworkers, at the end of October of 2018 the inscriptions to the courses will open, 100% virtual and free, for the formation in this modality ", aims the organization.

"This modality also has benefits such as the reduction of fixed costs in companies, increase in productivity, social inclusion, contribution to the improvement of mobility in cities, reduction of pollution rates and promotion of the use and appropriation of new technologies ", emphasizes the Mintic.

What should you keep in mind?

El Heraldo newspaper makes some recommendations if you want to be comfortable, perform and fulfill your work from anywhere.

1. Think that they moved the office to your home, do not relax and do personal things before fulfilling your duties
2. Define your functions with the company and create a work plan
3. Do not leave everything for the last minute. Set goals and strive to fulfill them on time
4. Create positive habits. Having breakfast and bathing before starting your activities will help you have more energy
5. Build day by day discipline and patience

LatinAmerican Post | Luisa Fernanda Báez

Translated from: '¿Te interesa el teletrabajo? Así está el panorama en la región'


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