Colombia’s newest botanical garden

The Colombian Environment Ministry and the Minuto de Dios University inaugurated the Sabio Mutis Agropark. This is Colombia’s newest botanical garden, located in the municipalities of La Mesa and Tena, just one hour away from Bogota.
The park consists of 20 hectares where people can find 530 species of orchids, a museum, a sugar cane vivarium among other things. The park opened after three years of research and the approval of Colombia’s Alexander von Humboldt Institute and the National Botanical Gardens Network.
According to Environment Minister, Luis Gilberto Murillo, the inauguration of the garden is part of different efforts for the conservation of the country’s natural resources, sustainable development and scientific research.
“We highlight the Minuto de Dios Corporation initiative which is in line with our environmental goals such as having more protected areas for the conservation of the country’s biodiversity.”
Sabio Mutis Agropark is located in an area of tropical cloud and dry broadleaf forests which are home to various ecosystems and bird species and are important sources of water for the area. More so, local flora like orchids, bromelia and cactus.
During the inauguration, Murillo recognized the work of Father Diego Jaramillo, President of the Minuto de Dios Organization.
“We want to recognize the work of Father Diego Jaramillo and the Minuto de Dios Organization for their support towards conservation efforts and the preservation of biological richness. This garden is an example that should be replicated throughout the country, where the environment is a key piece in sustainable development.”
LatinAmerican Post | Maria Andrea Marquez