The chance that Venezuela missed

The 2018 Baseball Series will no longer be held in Venezuela but rather in México according to the Caribbean Professional Baseball Confederation
After hours of deliberation in San Juan, Puerto Rico, the Caribbean Professional Baseball Confederation, CPBC, decided to initiate a new cycle in the hopes to bettering the fate of the Series. This decision was defined by a negative suffrage of the Venezuelan Professional Baseball League.
Due to the current situation in Venezuela and the danger that it might bring to the spectators, the Series in the South American country has been rescheduled for 2019 in Barquisimeto. Some Venezuelan baseball businessmen also stated that, “it was really difficult to get the necessary dollars to organize this contest” so that the teams of Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, Venezuela, and Mexico could have a comfortable stay.
The LX edition of the Caribbean Baseball Series was foresighted to be held in February. One of the key cities in Mexico, which belong to the Pacific Baseball League within said country, will now be the epicenter of the event in the hopes to better the experience of the attendees.
LatinAmerican post | Daniel Posada
Copy edited by Susana Cicchetto