
Urban art: who are some of Latin America’s biggest graffitists?

These artists create colorful and powerful murals in cities of Latin America and the rest of the world

Urban art: who are some of Latin America's biggest graffitists?

Some are in favor of street art and there are those who are absolutely against it. The truth is that it is a reality and in Latin America there are artists recognized worldwide because of the beautiful creations they print on walls of countries like Mexico, Uruguay, Colombia, Chile and Peru. 

Graffiti is commonly related, or confused with antisocial scratches, without any clear message. But the truth is that, graffiti is far from a scratch, it is a true work of art, with social messages and can have monumental dimensions. 

In Mexico graffiti have been made for years, in fact, they have certain standards such as where not to paint, like in schools and churches and in what walls  top quality workscannot be done. Among the most iconic graffiti artists in Mexico are:

  • N30 who is currently working on various US projects. His work is characterized by using a wide range of colors, linear and geometric shapes fused with realistic human and animal figures.
  • Edgar “Saner” Flores is an internationally renowned visual artist, illustrator and graphic designer. His works are characterized by a reflection of traditional Mexican culture, some folklore, traditions and pop culture.

The street art in Colombia, like the current trends, use very strong colors, such as neons. It boomed in the ’80s with fashions from the United States. As in most messages, they are political criticism and social conscience. Among the most outstanding exponents are:

  • Diana Ordóñez, better known as “LeDania”, an artist from Bogotá who expresses herself through Neo-muralism. Her specialty is street art, but she also works in graphic design, makeup artist and photographer. The themes of her art are loaded with energy, colors vibrate and transmit positive energies. It incorporates magical and mythological symbols.
  • Grsi One is considered a veteran in Colombian street art. As an artist, he is always seeking to escape the monotony, always trying out new forms, abstract and colorful art.

Uruguay is not far behind: there is a pair “Licensed Gray” who are responsible for giving life to walls and gray and lifeless environments. His designs are rather realistic, stamping human figures.

In Peru there is also a young representative of graffiti, his name is Elliot Tupac. He specializes in the typography from the 80’s moving IGNORE INTO the present. His works are required for large advertising campaigns, galleries and graffiti where there is usually writing, very colorful and with strong neon colors.

In Chile, there is another young exponent called INTI. The main feature of his work is to create very recognizable characters, realistic human figures, with strange animal characteristics that captivate the attention of each viewer. The mixture of colors and the ability to give life to them is their greatest attraction.

Urban art is an art that is gradually achieving acceptance and international recognition. In Latin America there are many artists that fill with colors, messages and social opinions. So much so that it has become a striking new way to tour the city on foot.


Latin American Post | Daniella Páez Otey

Copy edited by Laura Rocha Rueda

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