Everything you need to know about the Super Blood Moon

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Between January 20 and 21 we can see this wonderful eclipse. We tell you all the details

Everything you need to know about the Super Blood Moon

This eclipse will be the second of the year, but the first one visible in Latin America. Here, we tell you everything you should know about this wonderful astronomical event.

Where and at what time you can watch it

The eclipse can be seen in South America, Europe and West Africa, Central Africa and some parts of Asia.

From 2:36 UTC on January 21 the eclipse will be visible. This means that it can be seen in Latin America on the night of January 20 and the early hours of January 21, starting at approximately 9:00 p.m.


The eclipse of the Super Blood Moon will last 5 hours and 12 minutes. The eclipse in its total phase will last 1 hour and 2 minutes.


Una publicación compartida de NASA (@nasa) el

What makes it so special?

It will be spectacular to watch it, because this astronomical event will be the combination of three great phenomena:

  1. Total lunar eclipse
  2. Blood Moon
  3. Super moon

Protection to watch it

Being a lunar eclipse, you do not need special protection. Remember that you must use special methods to watch solar eclipses, either partial or total.

When can you see another one like this?

This super eclipse will not happen again until 2021, so if you are in the Western Hemisphere you cannot miss it.

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Eclipse calendar

Throughout the year, there will be 5 eclipses:

1. Partial solar eclipse
Date: 5-6 January
It will not be visible in Latin America

2. Super Blood Moon
Date: January 20-21
Vsible in South America

3. Total solar eclipse
Date: July 2
Visible in countries such as Argentina, Braisl, Uruguay, and Paraguay

4. Partial eclipse of Luna
Date: July 16
Visible in America

5. Annular Sun Eclipse
Date: December 26
It will not be visible in South America


LatinAmerican Post | Marcela Peñaloza
Translated from "Todo lo que debes saber de la Súper Luna de Sangre"

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