Tips To Reduce the Risk Of Stroke

Strokes are more common than you might think. Here are some tips to reduce the risk of stroke.

Render of a brain

Every October 29, World Stroke Prevention Day, acronym for Stroke, is celebrated in order to raise awareness about the importance of reducing the risk of stroke. Photo: Unsplash

LatinAmerican Post | Vanesa López Romero

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Every October 29, World Stroke Prevention Day, is celebrated in order to raise awareness about the importance of reducing the risk of stroke. According to the Honorary Commission for Cardiovascular Health, stroke is an acute event or medical emergency that is the result of a chronic disease and risk factors that allow it to develop. Some of these factors are "high blood pressure, diabetes, smoking, hypercholesterolemia, excessive alcohol consumption, obesity, sedentary lifestyle and atrial fibrillation," according to the commission's website.

Stroke occurs when the blood supply to some part of the brain is cut off, preventing brain tissue from receiving oxygen, causing cells to begin to die within minutes. As a result, some of the symptoms of the event include difficulty walking, speaking and understanding, as well as paralysis of the face or extremities. If this emergency is treated in time the risk of brain damage is reduced.

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According to the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), around 800,000 strokes occur each year around the world, of which 140,000 result in the death of those who suffer from it . Also, most of the people who survive are left with disabilities. This entity ensures that the figure is worrying considering that 80% of cases are preventable.

Although prevention at the collective level is the responsibility of medical services, there are some tips that we can take into account to reduce the risk to ourselves and to act diligently in the event that someone with whom we are suffers from a stroke.

Eat better

Obesity, diabetes and high cholesterol can be some of the risk factors for stroke, so a good diet is essential to prevent an accident of this type. We recommend that you consult a nutritionist who can guide you so that you have a balanced diet that provides you with all the necessary nutrients for your body to function in the best possible way. Here we leave you a list of foods that you can include in your daily diet that will help you reduce a stroke.

  • Oats (and other whole grains)
  • Yogurt offers you probiotics, very important bacteria for healthy digestion
  • Beans and high-fiber foods
  • Onion and wine are a great source of antioxidants
  • Salmon and other foods high in vitamin D

Have an exercise routine

A sedentary lifestyle can have many consequences, including an increased risk of stroke, so a balanced diet should be accompanied by an exercise routine that is focused on staying healthy, rather than making you look better. Some of the physical activities you can do are:

  • Ride the bicycle. You can change the car or public transport for the bicycle.
  • Walk every day for short trips. You can even go hiking to do it every weekend.
  • Yoga is an exercise that you can practice in the comfort of your home and that is very complete for both your body and your mind.

Avoid cigarettes

If you are a tobacco user, you can consider quitting this habit little by little. If you are not, we recommend you try not to have contact with cigarette smoke, as this increases the risk of suffering a stroke.

If you witness a stroke you should …

It can be a complicated situation, but the most important thing is that when you notice any symptoms you immediately call the emergency services so that the person is treated immediately and the risk of death or serious sequelae can be reduced.


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