
Make your cleaning products at home and help the environment

These tips will help you save money and take care of planet Earth .

Person holding a bottle of cleaning product

We tell you about some product options that will not only help you take care of planet earth, but also save money. Photo: Unsplash

LatinAmerican Post | Vanesa López Romero

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Leer en español: Haz tus productos de limpieza en casa y ayuda al medio ambiente

The key for a more sustainable and environmentally friendly life is to be aware of how are all products made of. Our society is consumist, so from a young age we get used to the fact that the price of a good is an exact amount of money. But then we realize that behind this there is a giant production chain in which natural and human resources are used in an excessive way and, on many occasions, with little morality.

In addition, everything we consume generates waste that is rarely biodegradable . This has generated one of the most serious environmental crises that we have at the moment: pollution. This not only affects the environment as such, but also the quality of life of millions of people.

That is why as consumers we must be aware of what the production chain is, the resources and the last destination of everything we buy and use . Among this, we find household cleaning products, which usually have compounds that when disposed of through water systems affect the environment seriously. In addition, these usually come packaged in plastic that ends up in landfills and takes hundreds of years to decompose.

That is why, in order to live a more sustainable life, there are several alternatives that you can choose. One of those is to make your products at home based on ecological and natural components . Here we tell you about some that will not only help you take care of planet earth, but also save money.

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We recommend you get glass containers that, first, are more durable, and second, they do not produce the waste that a plastic container would produce . You can also use loofah sponges and cotton cloths that do not get lost with a single use. You can also use old clothes that are not in good condition to clean surfaces.


You will need to:

  • White vinegar
  • Striped castile soap
  • 20 drops of tea tree extract
  • Water still 24 hours (to remove chlorine)

You just have to mix all the ingredients and fill a spray bottle. You can disinfect any type of surface with this mix.

Anti-fungus for the bathroom

You will need to:

  • 1 part warm water
  • 1 part vinegar
  • 3 tablespoons of baking soda

Apply the baking soda on the surface you are going to clean and then apply the warm water previously mixed with the vinegar . You will see that foam comes out, after 5 minutes, clean the foam.

Dish soap

You will need to:

  • Half a cup of liquid castile soap
  • Half a cup of water
  • 3 drops of tea tree extract
  • 1 tablespoon of lemon juice
  • A quarter cup of white vinegar

Mix the soap and water. Then add each of the ingredients one by one until the mixture is uniform.

Glass cleaner

  • A part of warm water, (preferably carbonated)
  • Two tablespoons of white vinegar

You just have to mix these ingredients and pour them into a spray bottle. You can clean the glass with this mixture and a cloth that does not shed specks.

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