
What change is coming for the environment with Joe Biden as president of the United States

There are many plans that the new president of the United States has in terms of the environment. Here we show you a summary of the most important ones .

Joe biden

These are some of Joe Biden’s proposals on the environment. / Photo: YT-Joe Biden

LatinAmerican Post | Jorge Francisco Vuelvas Lomeli

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Leer en español: Qué cambio se viene para el medio ambiente con Joe Biden como presidente de los Estados Unidos

Joe Biden's victory may mark a turning point in the rise of environmental protectionism . It is observed that in the United States of America rural life has been surpassed by urban, which raises enormous concerns about the environmental impact that this produces and the poor attention to the countryside.

However, Biden has made climate change one of the main priorities of his government and translated it into an ambitious "Clean Energy and Environmental Justice Plan" that will have a profound impact on the world.

Energy and legislative strategy

Through a series of new executive orders, Joe Biden will seek to ensure that the United States achieves a 100% clean energy economy and zero net emissions by 2050 .

The new president's legislative strategy on this matter will translate into getting the US Congress to pass:

1) The creation of a compliance mechanism, including significant limits no later than the end of the first term in 2024.

2) An investment plan focused on clean energy through climate research and innovation.

3) Fostering innovation and investment in a clean economy in the communities most affected by pollution, which may be the first to suffer the effects of climate change.

Smart investments

It will also make smart investments in infrastructure to rebuild the country and ensure that buildings, water, transportation and energy can withstand the effects of climate change. The budget allocated to the reconstruction of roads, bridges, buildings, electrical networks and water infrastructure will be used to prevent, reduce and combat climate change.

The president is planning to work with local universities and national laboratories to use the convening power of the government to promote climate resilience, formulate regional plans, and obtain local data, information, tools and training.

Also read: How much is the world adapting to climate change?

International cooperation and the Paris agreement

In 2016, one year after the signing of the Paris Agreement, countries voluntarily proposed and fulfilled their commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions through the agreement. Donald Trump's victory caused anxiety among the environmentalists, which ended up causing the former president to leave the pact. With the arrival of President Biden, said international treaty will be re-signed, once again putting the United States on the negotiating table of a global climate duck.

However, it will work for each major country to raise its ambitions to achieve its national climate goals . It will ensure that these commitments are transparent and enforceable, and it will not accept that countries justify themselves with a lack of examples. Fully incorporate climate change into US foreign policy and its national security strategy; Not to mention, you'll also apply it to your business relationships.

Punishment of pollutants

The Biden administration will suppress fossil fuel companies and other polluters , which put profits before people and deliberately harm the environment and poison the air, land and water in various communities, as well as their hidden information about potential risks to health and the environment.

The Biden plan will ensure that communities across the country from Flint, Michigan, to Harlan, Kentucky, and the New Hampshire coast have access to clean and safe drinking water . Additionally, it will ensure that solution development is an inclusive community-led process.

Taxes for the environment

The "Biden Plan" considers the idea of controlling environmental and climate costs through carbon taxes and adjustments to trade agreements on climate policies. In addition, it will seek to increase taxes on imports from countries that have not made ambitious commitments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions under the Paris Agreement.

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