Sean Spicer resigns as White House Press Secretary
Spicer left Friday morning after the appointment of a new communications director
Sean Spicer stepped down after New York financier and Donald Trump’s campaign fundraiser, Anthony Scaramucci, accepted the position as new White House communications director. Spicer originally was supposed to lead a new team, but the announcement of Scaramucci, according to the ex-White House Press Secretary, was a mistake.
Spicer served as communications director when Mike Dubke resigned back in May. Since then, he handled the responsibilities to defend Trump from public backlash pertaining to the alleged meddling of Russia in the past presidential elections; Spicer focused on taking the heat from the media. The ex-White House Press Secretary and the mass media didn’t have a positive relationship. For the last three weeks, Spicer took on a low profile; last Monday he was publicly seen again in the White House’s briefing room.
Hours after his announcement, Sarah Huckabee Sanders was introduced as new White House press secretary.
Latin American Post | Carlos Eduardo Gómez Avella
Coppy edited by Susana Cicchetto