And if That Feeling of Tiredness Is Something Else?

Are you feeling exhausted, annoyed, and overwhelmed at work? Burnout can be defined as a feeling of emotional, physical, and mental exhaustion.

The Woman Post | Catalina Mejía Pizano

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Burnout can occur when people feel it is impossible to meet constant demands, due to physical and emotional fatigue. But, what comes next? The most worrying part of burnout is that it can even lead people to lose the motivation that led them to accept a certain role in the first place.

If you have experienced burnout before, you may be familiar with some of its most common characteristics. You may have felt unproductive, helpless,  resentful, or even hopeless. Also, those of us who have been through burnout, know that it can even affect other areas of our life, including home, personal relations, and even social life. Its effects can even make us more vulnerable when it comes to illnesses such as colds and flu. 

According to a recent survey by HR tech-company Workhuman, 41% of respondents claimed to have experienced burnout in the last few months. On the other hand, a survey by Hartford found an overall burnout rate of 61%. The pandemic seems to have triggered an increase in burnout, Jennifer Moss, the author of the book "The Burnout Pandemic," argues that the reasons why burnout has expanded during the pandemic have not been thoroughly understood.

But if we want to avoid burnout, the truth is we need to understand some of its main causes. The Woman Post briefly explains some of the reasons that can drive it:

1. Uncontrolled workload: Overwork is an important factor that leads to burnout. As mentioned by the World Health Organization (WHO), excessively long hours lead to more than a half-million deaths per year. According to Moss, employers can help by identifying low priority goals for their employers to help them better manage their workload.

2. Perceived unfair reward or pay: When employees feel that their effort does not match the extrinsic or intrinsic rewards, they may lose motivation. When you are experiencing this feeling, you may want to question yourself if you need to ask for a promotion or perhaps for more positive feedback and time with your boss.


3. Perceived unfair treatment: Some people may feel like their employers or bosses are not giving them credit for their work, or perhaps their work and effort are being unnoticed. Speaking up may be a good idea in this case. You could request being mentioned as the author of your work, for example.

4. Poor relationships at work: having good relationships with your colleagues and getting to know them, can lead to increased happiness at work. It is therefore important for companies to provide people with spaces to build connections with their colleagues.

5. Incompatible values:  When considering accepting a job offer, it may be important to assess the values of the leaders in the Company. It is always a good idea to find a work environment that matched your values because this will enhance your motivation to work.

6. Perceived absence of control: According to Greater Good Science Center,  many employers fall into the mistake of watching their employees every move, controlling their work schedule, and even punishing them. Giving employees autonomy is important to keep them motivated, as well as providing options for flexible schedules and working from home.

Burnout is not just about feeling tired and overwhelmed. Every case of burnout must be particularly assessed because many contributing factors can lead people to experience it. Reading some of its main causes is an important start to preventing it!

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