Female sexual dysfunctions, which are the most common?

Although sexual disorders are often associated with the menopause, it is possible that you are living a silent disease

Female sexual dysfunctions, which are the most common?

Although lack of sexual desire, excitement, and orgasms are present in both sexes, in the case of women, according to an article by the psychiatrist Sara Revuelta in the journal Angeles Health, these disorders are related to deeper social and psychological causes. For example, a low sex education, problems with a partner, traumatic sexual experiences or sexual monotony. These are some of the most common causes.

Leer en español: Disfunciones sexuales femeninas, ¿cuáles son las más comunes?

In addition, according to the psychologist Iris Tolosa Sola, in the journal infosalus, although these disorders are usually associated with menopause, it is possible that they appear in young women because of hormonal alterations, side effects of drug treatments, or because of a depression.

Which are the most common?

1. Interest disorder of female sexual arousal: this pathology, which was previously known as "female arousal disorder" and "female sexual desire", is basically characterized by lack of desire or excitement. According to Tolosa, it is the "decrease in sexual desire in women, the absence of fantasies, or sexual pleasure during sexual activity."

2. Anorgasmia: it is a disorder that causes difficulty or inability to have a pleasant orgasm. Tolosa explains that it is usually more common in young and inexperienced women and that it is an affectation that alters the sexual desire and the level of sexual satisfaction of the woman.

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According to the Mayo Clinic, the causes of anorgasmia can be multiple:

  • Diseases such as diabetes and multiple sclerosis
  • Over the counter drugs
  • Excess of alcohol and tobacco

However, there are other causes related to psychological factors such as low self-esteem, depression, cultural or religious beliefs, and sexual abuse.

3. Genito-pelvic pain disorder: according to Toloda, it is related to difficulties in vaginal penetration, often derived by the gynecologist himself who cannot introduce the speculum for exploration, or for example when there is difficulty in introducing a tampon, or to maintain relationships with penetration.

What is the treatment?

There is no valid and effective treatment for all women; therefore, a good knowledge of the nature of the problem is essential to treat each woman. If you feel you may have any of these conditions, you should attend a specialist.

On the other hand, the psychological reasons that cause these diseases must be treated as well. According to the Cuídate journal, therapy can include relaxation techniques, the use of visual images, pelvic-type exercises, therapy and cognitive behavior programs.


LatinAmerican Post | Luisa Fernanda Báez
Translated from “Disfunciones sexuales femeninas, ¿cuáles son las más comunes?”

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