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7 Traditional Children’s Games To Play at Home

You have no idea what to play with your kids! Have you tried everything? The Woman Post offers you some ideas to spend a different time with them.

The Woman Post | Rafael Ricardo Lopez Marti

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For many years traditional games have been an alternative in the cognitive development of children not only in their elaboration but in their application. According to an article published in the Scientific Magazine Digital Culture Education and Society by Nayibibs Barrios, reveals that games are of vital importance in the construction of knowledge and the development that children acquire to face the events of life. The expert believes that the formation of values should be promoted through traditional games, based on respect and dignity as the most important role of human rights. Therefore, The Woman Post invites you to incorporate other traditional games into your children's free time, to promote social interaction.

1. Colombia: Traditional Game "Mama Vieja"

The traditional game is that the area where it will be played must be divided into two sectors and in the middle must be Mama Vieja. Players must be placed in one of the zones in question and when Mama Vieja shouts the same name; all players must run to the other zone without being touched. If for some reason Mama Vieja touches any of the players they automatically become her and must help touch other players. In addition, play strengthens skills, abilities, and values for integral development.

2. Argentina: Traditional Game "Tira Y Afloja"

The most traditional game of our Argentine brothers is the "Tira y afloja." This type of recreation provides strength skills and teamwork. To play only requires a rope for both teams to pull it, the line on the floor shows the limit and sector of each team. The first team to step on the line is the losing group.

3. Brazil: Traditional Game "La Gallinita Ciega"

The "Gallinita Ciega" is one of the most traditional, fun, and simple pastimes in Brazil. In this game, children stimulate some skills, such as learning to count, to share, to overcome conflicts, to face vicissitudes, and to value moments in the company of their loved ones. The game has a high educational level and is very simple to apply. First, they blindfold one of the children; the others make a circle and give 3 turns to the blindfolded child. Next, the bandaged child must touch any of the other children to win.

4. Chile: Traditional Game "Carrera De 3 Pies"

This game develops motor skills and team participation. It's dynamic and great fun. To apply it you just have to tie with a rope the left foot of a child with the right foot of the other child and do a race only with 3 feet, that is, one child must jump and the other run. Both children must work as a team to reach the goal. Enjoy the "Carrera de 3 pies"!


5. Ecuador: Traditional Game "Palo Encebado"

The game of the "Palo Encebado" consists of climbing and climbing a stick of 3 meters, only with the help of arms and legs. It is important to know that children require strength skills to reach the top of the stick.

6. Mexico: Traditional Game "Lotería Mexicana"

This Mexican game is an icon like a game of chance that has 54 or 56 cards. The images of the letters show the Mexican culture and customs, such as the rooster, the little devil, the lady, the mermaid, the ladder, the bottle, the tree, the melon, the brave, the pear, the flag, the heron, the bird, among others. To apply it, each player chooses a table at random, the game is started with the word Run!, cards are drawn and the name is shouted. Whoever has all the cards in their table wins.

7. Venezuela: Traditional Game "El Gurrufío"

The traditional game in Venezuela is some lids or plates of soft drinks, two holes are made and a rope or candlewick is placed. Currently, gurrufíos have colored lights and sounds when dancing with the string.

Finally, get ready to travel to each country and teach your little ones how to play the traditional games of each region. Remember that they not only give you wisdom, but also a little fun.

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