Bogotá Fashion Week Champions Young Designers and Sustainability

The seventh edition of Bogotá Fashion Week (BFW), set for May 22-24, focuses on uplifting young designers from the economically diverse San Victorino area, highlighting the city’s growing role as a Latin American fashion hub.

From May 22 to 24, the Colombian capital will host the seventh edition of Bogotá Fashion Week (BFW). This event has become a pivotal platform for showcasing emerging talent and innovative fashion in Latin America. This year, BFW spotlighted young designers from San Victorino, a neighborhood known for its economic disparities, embodying the event’s theme of inclusivity and social impact through fashion.

Empowering Local Talent

San Victorino, often cited as the heart of the city’s fashion scene, is distinguished not just by its vibrant market life but also by the stark contrasts in wealth among its residents. Maria Paz Gaviria, platform manager at the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, emphasized the significance of this choice in a press conference, stating, “San Victorino is where the pulse of the city’s fashion beats strongest.” By focusing on this area, BFW aims to democratize fashion, providing a platform for local talents who might otherwise be overlooked.

The event will feature over a hundred national and international brands, 36 of which will debut on the runways at the Agora Convention Center. A day before the official opening, a special tribute will be held for Olga Piedrahita, a seminal figure in Colombian textile arts. This will set an introspective tone for the week dedicated to both heritage and forward-thinking design.

A Boost for the Local Economy

Since its inception, BFW has sought to position Bogotá as a fashion business capital. The textile sector, which contributes 1.3% to the city’s GDP, is pivotal for the region’s economic dynamics. This year’s event includes discussions featuring notable figures such as Sass Brown, the founding dean of the Dubai Institute of Design and Innovation, economists like Carolina Soto, and writers like Pilar Quintana.

Innovations at this year’s BFW include a ‘Conversations’ segment curated by Spanish expert Rocío Arias Hofman. This segment will blend Latin American literature and coffee culture into the fabric of fashion discourse. A new book signing area will also provide a space for intellectual exchange and community engagement.

The “El Madrugón” Showcase

One of the highlights of this edition is the “El Madrugón” segment, named after the early morning shopping sessions in Bogotá’s popular sectors. Curated by Pilar Castaño, who founded BFW 24 years ago, this showcase is dedicated to promoting and increasing the visibility of the creations of San Victorino designers. “These designers are set to display their unique visions in what is essentially their debut on the big stage,” said Castaño, emphasizing the transformative power of providing a platform for these emerging talents.

This initiative not only showcases unique designs but also addresses the crucial need for accessible fashion spaces that can spur economic and creative growth in less affluent areas of the city. Ovidio Claros Polanco, President of the Bogotá Chamber of Commerce, noted the importance of such initiatives: “These spaces are essential for nurturing talent and enterprise in popular sectors, ensuring that the city’s economic growth is inclusive and representative of all its communities.”

Sustainability on the Runway

The closing parade will feature creations by Venezuelan designer Alejandro Crocker, known for his work with recycled denim. This theme has become increasingly important in global fashion: sustainability. This focus reflects a growing consciousness in the fashion industry about the environmental impact of clothing production and the importance of sustainable practices.


Bogotá Fashion Week is more than just a showcase of clothing; it is a platform for social change, economic growth, and environmental awareness. By highlighting young, local talent from diverse backgrounds and focusing on sustainable practices, BFW sets a precedent for what fashion weeks can achieve beyond the runways. As the city continues to carve out a space for itself on the global fashion map, events like BFW play a crucial role in defining the future of fashion in Colombia and the broader Latin American context.

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