It makes me happy to find publications that begin with phrases like that of Gabriela Rocha, co-founder of Laboratoria, a company that from my reading offers new opportunities to women, she affirms that "Companies must bet on the talent of women".
Paula Rincón
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And that is where my passion comes in, communication, is an essential resource that allows us to take advantage of this moment in which new opportunities are being created for us.
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It is no secret that today, due to fashion, necessity, nature, or whatever reason, gender equality has become an objective of countries and companies, but we need to be strategic to approach each environment in the right way and at the same time have the right tools.
It is not positive to simply aim to transform those global statistics that show that discrimination and inequality continue to be our realities or to simply increase the percentage of access to job opportunities or equal pay.
It is important to analyze what it is that we can do to transform and sustain the change to realities that are shown in reports such as the one from the International Labor Organization (ILO) that told us that in 2020 women earned 16% less than men world level.
This is an invitation to prepare ourselves in scenarios such as negotiation, to strengthen our voice and ideas from fields such as persuasion. It is time to understand communication skills as an ally in the promotion of gender equality.
The possibility of participating clearly, forcefully and above all with confidence can be transformed into a context in which we take our knowledge to the level of appreciation and respect it deserves.
To talk about more inclusive and equitable universes, we have to seek and create opportunities where we can share our experiences and be part of the dialogue for the joint construction of new realities.
Let's analyze if we have what it takes to maintain open and honest communication, let's understand how we are removing the cultural and social barriers that have limited our participation in the labor market and in other aspects of life.
It is time to ask ourselves what we are doing individually and collectively to correctly activate awareness regarding the problems that women face.
Communication is essential at this time when we are generating new opportunities. I invite you to reflect to respond to the way in which we are using it and to analyze to understand how we are preparing to make this capacity our most strategic resource.