
Tips to have the mermaid hair you’ve always wanted!

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Tips and tricks to show a dreamy mane

Tips to have the mermaid hair you've always wanted!

The mermaids, these mythological creatures of the sea have inspired many stories, many of them where they have great beauty, a fishtail and an abundant and long wavy hair. If you have always admired the magic hair of these beings, we tell you simple tricks to get it.

The first characteristic of mermaid's hair is its abundance, they seem to have a lot of hair. To achieve increasing hair volume there are different tricks:

Leer en español: ¡Tips para tener el cabello de sirena que siempre has querido!

Una publicación compartida por Mermaids of Instagram (@mermaid) el


  1. It uses oils: the one of rosemary, ricino and even the one of the cod liver; They are popularly used to promote the work of hair follicles. If you use them constantly, it will help you to be born more.
  2. Cut in layers: it is believed that this type of cut helps give the impression that you have much more hair.
  3. Extensions: this is the last option and the most recommended if you are looking to wear a mermaid hair only for a special occasion.

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Another notable feature in the magic mermaid hair is its length, if you want to increase the hair length you should apply the following steps :



Una publicación compartida por Mermaid Inspiration Shop (@mermaidinspiration) el


  1. Use a free shampoo of salt: opt for a naturist, preferably fruit or work in hair repair. This type of products helps to increase growth due to its natural properties.
  2. Brush it: combing it every night helps stimulate growth.
  3. Use masks or treatments: they can be natural, one of the simplest is banana, mayonnaise, and egg. Mix all the ingredients in quantities according to your mane and let it act for half an hour. You can also buy one already ready, the idea is to repeat the exercise twice a week.
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In this marine style, perhaps the most iconic feature is the waves. We show you three options to get the wavy mermaid hair.



Una publicación compartida por Mermaid Inspiration Shop (@mermaidinspiration) el


  1. Braids: before going to bed divide your hair in half and make two large braids that come out of the root preferably. Apply some muss or fixative, the next day comb them.
  2. Rolls: this idea is also to do at night because the more hours you last, the better the results will be. Divide the hair into several sections, apply a fixative or some cream and wind each strand. Hold with tweezers and repeat the process of the braids.
  3. Machine: get the siren waves with the machine is ideal for some event in which you want your hair look perfect. This will probably take you much longer. To achieve them divide into medium strands and with the machine give shape to the waves, when you have full hair apply fixative and brush them well.

Colorful hair is usually another way in which the mermaid style is reflected if you do not want to go through bleaching processes to achieve the fantasies you have two options according to the color you have.



Una publicación compartida por Mermaid Elite (@mermaidelite) el


  1. In dark hair: a mattifying black color rekindles, a red or purple can give luminosity without the need to mistreat it.
  2. In blondes or light colors: matting can achieve until painting it temporarily. In this case you can make strands or use it only at the tips. There are temporary dyes in fantasy tones that will fulfill the same function.


LatinAmerican Post | Greece Algiers

Translated from "¡Tips para tener el cabello de sirena que siempre has querido!"

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