Fatty Liver: What is it and Why does it Happen?

Here we tell you why it is important to take care of this organ and what are the factors that influence the development of a fatty liver

Man touching the side of his abdomen.

Photo: Freepik

LatinAmerican Post | Brandon Martínez

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. Its function is essential for the survival of people because there the blood is purified, medicines and toxins are metabolized, resistance to infections is made, bacteria are eliminated and glucose is manufactured; among other vital functions.

Therefore, keeping it healthy helps the human being to be energized during their daily activities. Otherwise, if this is failing, the body is responsible for sending certain signals such as skin changes, fatigue, abdominal pain and low defenses. It is essential to pay attention to these symptoms.

Fatty liver is one of the most common diseases of this organ and occurs when there is an excessive accumulation of fat in the liver cells. This pathology affects 25% of the world population and is divided into two types:

  • Non-alcoholic fatty liver: It is not caused by alcohol and can be simple fatty or non-alcoholic hepatic steatosis. In both there is inflammation and cell damage.
  • Fatty liver due to alcohol: In this organ, most alcoholic beverages are broken down, therefore, harmful cells can be produced in their decomposition.

How to prevent it?

Currently the main cause of its origin is not known, but it is known which factors can influence its condition. Some recent studies show that the mutation of two important genes would also be influencing those people who lead a healthy and balanced life. However, experts say that the consumption of the following foods and substances should be avoided:

  • Sugar: Its constant consumption generates fats that are added to the liver causing inflammation.
  • Alcoholic beverages: They are highly harmful to the liver. When metabolized, alcohol causes triglycerides to increase, which in turn cause damage to liver cells.
  • Red meat: Excessive consumption of saturated fats are dangerous for the liver. Therefore, it is advisable to do it in moderation and prioritize chicken or fish.
  • Salt: Could cause fluid retention. This influences people to gain weight and, therefore, this organ has to work more than normal.
  • Dairy: Some dairy such as mature cheeses have a large amount of sodium. If you are going to consume this product, it is best that they are not derived from whole milk.
  • Sausage products: These are red meats with fats that are mixed to a greater extent with waste from the meat industry. These affect the digestive system and the liver.
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On the other hand, leading a sporting life or exercising at least three times a week allows the liver to remain in good condition and there is less chance of suffering from liver disease.


Everything will depend on what type of fatty liver the diagnosed person suffers from:

  • For non-alcoholic fatty liver, doctors consider that the main thing is to lose weight, since this will help reduce fat and inflammation. If the condition is due to the consumption of a medication, the doctor will determine whether to eliminate it or replace it with another medicine.
  • For alcoholic fatty liver, the treatment is to stop consuming alcoholic beverages. In many cases, the patient may need therapy or rehabilitation to stop using it.

Finally, if a person presents some of the signs mentioned in this article, it is advisable to pay attention and go to the doctor to prevent conditions derived from their incidence factors.

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