5 fun facts you did not know about Black Friday

Find here some curious facts about the biggest shopping day, better known as Black Friday

5 fun facts you did not know about Black Friday

Today, known as Black Friday, many brands and stores offer consumers attractive discounts to officially open the holiday shopping season.

Here we present 5 curious facts about this date

1. According to the BBC, it was not until 2001 that black Friday was recognized as the biggest shopping day, because in previous years the Americans waited until the last minute to do their Christmas shopping so the last Saturday before Christmas was the biggest billing day.

Leer en español: 5 datos curiosos que no sabías sobre el Black Friday

One of the reasons why it grew was the interest of Internet users for this phenomenon, which until the eighties was limited to Philadelphia, United States.

According to an investigation published by the portal Finder, currently 70% of Americans make their purchases on Black Friday and it is expected that this year, Americans spend more than USD 90 000 million between today and Monday, known as the Cyber ​​Monday.

After the United States, the countries that spend the most during Black Friday are the United Kingdom and Canada.

2. Since 1951, according to the Al Jazeera portal, the day after Thanksgiving, which is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November since 1941, was called Black Friday when the newspaper Factory Management and Maintenance, focused on the labor market, stated that the workers reported sick after the celebration to enjoy a four-day holiday.

3. According to Black Friday Death Count, a website that keeps a record of people who have died or are injured as a result of Black Friday, the figures from 2006 to 2017 show 10 people killed and 111 injured while doing their shopping.

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4. US News & World Report, a company recognized for its rankings and analysis, points out that Americans spend more time shopping during the weekend of Thanksgiving than visiting the most popular places in Disney.

For example, according to Walmart, in 2014 over 22 million people visited their stores during that day, exceeding the 16 million people who visit Disneyland in California per year.

5. Black Friday does not last only one day. For several years now, several stores such as Target, Walmart, Toys R Us, and Best Buy began to launch their offers a day earlier, extending them throughout the weekend. In fact, since 2005 on Monday after Thanksgiving it began to be called "Cyber ​​Monday" and since then it has become almost as important as Black Friday.


LatinAmerican Post | Luisa Báez
Translated from “5 datos curiosos sobre el Black Friday”

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