Have We Adopted New Consumer Habits Since the Pandemic?

With every change that takes place, various opportunities may arise. Either in the professional or personal life, living through a transformation period is a chance to leave the past behind and to open your mind to new journeys.

The Woman Post | Catalina Mejía Pizano

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In the last year, we have been experiencing a transformation process that has modified our traditional consumption habits. However, this is not surprising and could have been predictable since the world has been facing a digitalization era in which no industry can fall behind.

The new business opportunities that are emerging must make the best out of the digital tools that are now available. If we pay close attention to the changes that have taken place in terms of our consumption habits, and the new tendencies that have been born, we can find interesting opportunities to innovate in our business.

The Z generation corresponds to all of those who have been born between 1995 and 2010 and that have special characteristics because of the transformation that happened during those years. They grew up in an era in which technology has played a vital role in our daily lives, and this is why they are great internet users. They also rely on the internet for educational purposes since they are used to finding all the information they need there.

Due to their reliance on technology for various of their needs, the Z generation has been impulsing changes in our consumption habits. The most notorious changes have been the following:

-Buying through eCommerce: The Z generation uses technology to obtain the goods and services they need.

-Uses mobile devices: They rely on these to purchase products.


-Makes use of social media: Social media plays an important part in the purchasing process since it provides a space to interact with brands.

Besides the new consumption habits, we are also experiencing a transformation process linked to the digitalization that has affected companies. All of these changes have created the perfect scenario for new business opportunities in the following areas:

-Entertainment industry: One of the new opportunities for creating business is exploring this interesting industry. One idea could be to create virtual art galleries or even opening YouTube channels focused on entertainment.

-Cybersecurity: Since the internet has become more popular each day, cyberattacks have been increasing. A business idea could be to create companies that teach companies to handle their information appropriately.

-Remote work: Since most of us are working remotely, a business opportunity could be to create tools that help workers be more productive when working from home or to keep their employees motivated and active in this new scenario.

-Online education: Creating online courses or platforms is interesting since people can access them from wherever they are, without having to use transport or to migrate. 

Finally, it is also important to mention that the pandemic raised consciousness on the need of caring for the environment. People have become more aware of the impact of their actions on the well-being of future generations. Hence, another new opportunity for creating business is to improve products by adding ecological components. So what are you waiting for, to start a new business or to modify your current company to explore the new opportunities?

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