Huawei cloud: the first public storage cloud in Chile

In addition to offering storage, the Chinese giant also said they maintain interest in deploying an underwater cable between Chile and Asia

Man standing in the Huawei room using a cell phone.

Man standing in the Huawei room using a cell phone. / Via REUTERS

Reuters | Natalia Ramos

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Leer en español: Huawei cloud: la primera nube de almacenamiento pública en Chile

Huawei maintains its interest in deploying an underwater cable to connect Chile with Asia, a project that would be powered by a data center with the company's first public storage cloud in Latin America inaugurated on Wednesday.

Huawei Cloud, which represented an investment of more than 100 million dollars, will focus on open service but will have space for customers that require privacy, in the company's attempt to seduce the government and other users.

The CEO of Huawei Chile, David Dou Young, told Reuters that the initiative "has a very close connection" with the project that drives Chile to lay an underwater cable to connect with Asia, since "they could work properly to provide more support to Chile as an information center for all of Latin America. "

The tender launched by the Chilean government to award the technical and financial studies prior to the deployment of the cable, in which Huawei did not participate, closes the first days of September.

After this process, the tender will be opened and will choose the consortium that stores the cable. "Huawei will participate very actively in that business opportunity," said the executive.

The Asian interest sows doubts about an eventual sale of 51% of Huawei Marine, which a company spokesman explained "is not confirmed news and is not a final decision."

Representatives of Huawei have met with various Chilean state ministries and institutions to try to convince them to join their cloud storage service.

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"Before the official launch we had many conversations with different government departments to try to understand their idea about digitalization, but for the moment we still have no agreement and we will surely work for that," he said during the launch of the service.

"In Chile in mining, fishing, also agriculture, even health and education, I saw a great commercial demand for this cloud," he added.

With the inauguration, Huawei is ahead of other competitors such as Amazon, which has been evaluating establishing a data center in Argentina or Chile. The service will cover not only the Chilean market but also help feed a South American data network.

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