The who’s who on social media

Take a minute to analyze your everyday routine.

Social Media and personal identity

You get up, turn off your alarm, and check your phone. You may leave it aside for a while, but this will be a repetitive behavior throughout your day. If you work from a computer, you will surely find yourself connected to the Internet.

The space technology has made in our lives is not new and, much less, the connection we’ve developed with social media; a set of tools that have allowed every person in the world to create their own image in the digital realm by communicating with a diverse audience from around the globe.

Social media has become an important item within the cultural aspect of society because it’s not only an advertising and communication platform, they have changed the way we interact and relate to one another, thusly, changing human behavior.

Due to the over exposure generated by social media, the pressure is higher now than ever.

Comparison is at first order, acceptance is measured by likes, follows and shares, relevance is called influence and it measures how important is or isn’t a person to the world. Everything happens at warp speed and it is ruthless.

Behind us are the days where mean girls oversaw bullying in schools, determining who where popular and who were outcasts. Nowadays, the world has turned IGNORE INTO an enormous classroom where thousands of eyes have an opinion on your every move, generating anxiety and stress, while also causing addictive interest in other people’s feeds (lives).

According to, México counts with 16 million users registered in Instagram, 7’500.000 of which are men and 8’600.000 are women. It is now the Latin-American country with the most registered users in this social network.

Facebook still takes the lead with the most users with nearly 1’900 million active users sharing opinions, reactions, and interactions in front of anyone who wants to hear them. A scenery that can be disturbing, to say the least, for most.

It’s well known that not everything you see on social media is real. Some are tailor made, so much that, in the adventure of exploring the concept of easy fame, acceptance, and popularity, the campaign “Like my addiction” was created. It presented a trendy Parisian girl that very shortly found herself with an important number of followers and became an influencer. After a while, it became known that it was a fake account that wanted to create awareness on alcohol problems in young adults.

Beyond the success of the campaign, it uncovered how using certain contents generates more followers and opinions from others.

It makes you think.

¿How much are you you and how much are you who the digital parameter dictates?

LatinAmerican Post | Sylvia Rodríguez Casas
Copy edited by Susana Cicchetto

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