What are the best apps to find a job?

Job hunting in the Twenty-First Century is a lot easier

LatinamericanPost News

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Mobile applications have surpassed the reach of technology by offering services that make life easier, such as finding a job. Those practices in which the classified ads of the newspapers were furious are being left behind, in addition to sending resumes everywhere, knocking on hundreds of doors.

The platforms created to search for a job usually require the creation of a professional profile, and through geolocation, the application searches (according to the criteria that the user specifies) the available jobs, channels the information and allows the candidate to contact the employer. In addition, through notifications, the user will be more aware of possible vacancies that match their profile and thus be able to apply instantly. 

Other advantages of apps to find a job are that they allow you to know every movement of your CV. For example, you can see if an employer has visited your profile, if someone has validated one of your skills or even monitor the status of an offer to which the user submitted an application. Also, the best part is that they are free, and they are all available for iOS and Android.

  • LinkedIn: officially launched as a corporate social network in 2003, is the largest and most popular professional network that exists, allowing you to connect with other professionals or industries directly, in addition to seeking employment. In itself, it is not an application to look for a job, but it has an option for it, and it is quite effective because it simplifies the processes that the web version has.
  • Indeed: it has a meta-search engine with a range of more than 50 countries that groups results from job offers and job offers; its search filters are simple and effective, and the professional profile is basically managed as a social network.
  • InfoJobs: it offers a search filter by working day and you can save in favorites the offers that call your attention. As a curious fact, this app made it possible to close more than 1.2 million labor contracts in 2016.
  • Jobandtalent: it works with an algorithm that is responsible for knowing your talents and interests, which helps you to look for the most convenient options, besides a chat where you can communicate directly with the employer. Ideal for people who are looking for intermediate positions in small and medium sized companies.
  • Jobeeper: this app is ideal for saving time, as there is no need to create a profile: it will simply trigger the notification alarm (such as a beeper) every time a job, whose features match what you have specified you need, is available.


Latin American Post | Juan Felipe Guerrero

Copy edited by Laura Rocha Rueda

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