Chilean Reyes’ Remarkable NFL Comeback Journey

Sammis Reyes, the Chilean former tight end for the Jacksonville Jaguars, announced his return to the NFL for the 2024 season, marking a remarkable comeback after retiring due to a concussion-related injury in August.

Sammis Reyes

Photo: IG-sammisreyes

The Latin American Post Staff

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Leer en español: El notable viaje de regreso a la NFL del chileno Reyes

Sammis Reyes: A Trailblazer from Talcahuano

Sammis Reyes, a 28-year-old athlete born in Talcahuano, Chile, was the first Chilean to play in the NFL. He entered the league through the 'International Player Pathway Program,' a platform designed to discover talent from around the world and offer them the opportunity to develop in the NFL.

The Washington Commanders signed ReyesThe Washington Commanders signed Reyes for the 2021 season, and during that year, he appeared in 11 games. In 2022, he joined the Chicago Bears and became part of the practice squad. However, his NFL journey took an unexpected turn in 2023 when he signed with the Jacksonville Jaguars.

A Setback: The Concussion and Retirement Decision

Unfortunately, his dreams of playing for the Jaguars were put on hold due to a concussion he suffered during one of the training sessions in late July. This injury prevented him from being ready for the first game of the 2023 preseason, leading to his decision to retire.

In a heartfelt message shared on social media, Reyes explained the difficult choice he had to make at the time. "After seven sleepless days and experiencing painful symptoms, I realized that this was not benefiting me or my family, which is why I decided to retire."

However, the story doesn't end there. After three months of recovery and self-discovery, Sammis Reyes made a surprising announcement on his Instagram account: "I'm returning to the NFL for the 2024 season. I miss the game immensely. There's nothing like the NFL in the world. After three months of recovery and unforgettable experiences, I've decided to come back and play."

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Reyes' Resilience: The Comeback Announcement

Reyes' determination and passion for the sport are evident in his decision to make this comeback. He expressed his commitment with a simple yet powerful message: "If it's not now, it's never; one life, one opportunity."

This unexpected turn occurred just a week after Reyes revealed that he had received an offer to become a professional wrestler with WWE (World Wrestling Entertainment), one of the most renowned wrestling companies globally. While this opportunity was enticing, his heart seemed to belong to the gridiron, and he was ready to resume his NFL journey.

The sports world will be watching closely as Sammis Reyes embarks on this remarkable comeback. His resilience, dedication, and unwavering spirit have made him a role model for aspiring athletes in Chile and worldwide. The 2024 NFL season will mark a new chapter in his extraordinary story that exemplifies the power of perseverance and the pursuit of dreams.

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