Don’t let the Weather Stop You!: The 7 Healthiest Sports to Practice in Summer

Despite the high temperatures that are currently experienced in the world, several experts point out the importance of physical activity. We tell you the ideal sports for this summer.

People practicing running

Photo: Freepik

LatinAmerican Post | Daniel González Guerrero

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Currently, the world is going through one of the hottest summers in recent years, an aspect that began to have repercussions on people's daily lives. One of the activities that was affected by the weather is sports, since many athletes decided to slow down their competition pace to avoid the suffocating weather that has been going on for many weeks. Given this, we bring you 7 sports that adapt perfectly to the reality that is lived in this part of the year.

Perfect time to do sports

Dr. Alfonso del Corral Salas, an expert in Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology at the Ruber Internacional Hospital in Madrid, comments that summer is the perfect time of year for outdoor activities. "Summer can be a very opportune time to start or continue practicing sports, but it requires taking certain precautions to avoid the effects of heat."

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Carrying out outdoor activities at this time of year goes hand in hand with the care that must be taken. This is why this doctor also comments on the importance that must be taken with the negative aspects of this heat wave. "Dehydration, cramps, loss of consciousness, exhaustion, or heat stroke are the main diseases caused by heat."

There is nothing better than swimming

Swimming is one of the most recommended sports to do at this time of year. Its ease of practice on beaches and in swimming pools makes it one of the perfect disciplines for all athletes. In addition to this, with the high temperatures, this activity can be taken not only as a sports discipline, but also as something refreshing and playful that children and adults can do.

They adapt on the beach

Other recommended sports for this time of year are volleyball, soccer, and tennis. For many experts, these disciplines are ideal for the summer, since they are easy to practice on the different beaches. On the other hand, it should be noted that these skills help to promote certain skills such as strength, resistance, and coordination.

Running: a double-edged sport

Running is another sport that is recommended at this time of year. However, several doctors highlight the importance of not doing this discipline in the sand, since this could lead to various injuries due to unstable ground conditions. In the same way, it is noted that in the summer we must incorporate certain precautions, since the foot can suffer changes due to the heat, and even blisters and sunk nails can occur.


Doing yoga outdoors is one of the most recommended practices for this time of year. Several experts comment that the benefits are perceived in the mind and in the body. In addition to this, this sport helps to gain muscle, flexibility, and allows you to relieve daily stress. It can be adapted to different ages, and is even practiced during pregnancy.


Lastly, sailing is another discipline that is recommended to be done outdoors in summer. This sport improves concentration, tones muscles, promotes balance, relieves stress, and strengthens the cardiovascular system. When carrying out these practices, it is important that the athlete protects his skin very well, wears appropriate clothing, sunscreen, and glasses.

Despite the high temperatures currently experienced in the world, playing sports will always be a crucial recommendation for our health, which is why we invite you to use plenty of sunscreen and enjoy this time of year.

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