World Bicycle Day: This is the Importance of Cycling

This June 3 is celebrated Bicycle Day, for this reason in LatinAmerican Post we tell you about the importance of cycling and other key data.

man riding bike

Photo: Adobe Stock

LatinAmerican Post | Carlos Felipe Bedoya

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Leer en español: Día mundial de la bicicleta: esta la importancia de practicar el ciclismo

Throughout history, the bicycle is a faithful ally of the human being, since it is said that it was Leonardo da Vinci during the fifteenth century who would have one of his designs for a bicycle. But it was not until the 19th century, in Germany, that Karl Drais tested what would then be called: "running machine" on June 14, 1817. Likewise, it is said that since then, the device would evolve to what we know today as a bicycle. Already in 1890 this machine began to be part of society and thus began its production in an industrialized manner, an act that was essential for the establishment of cycling.

You would think that with large-scale advances in technology, the bicycle would disappear, but it did not. Currently, there is a "boom" for this element around the world, either as a means of transportation, in some large cities that use it constantly due to their roads or distances. However, there are those who choose to move more efficiently and a little greener. On the other hand, there were several people who adapted a healthy lifestyle and cycling is an essential sport in their day to day.

The bicycle in Latin America

Dividing these two parts of society that have a close relationship with the 'bike', we can see clear examples in Latin America: Bogotá is renowned for its more than 600 kilometers of bike paths. In a city where traffic is quite congested, citizens pick this means of transport as a faster, cheaper and more ecological. Even the capital of Colombia has a tradition, in which every Sunday or holiday some main roads of the city (110 kilometers) are available from 7:00 am to 2:00 pm for the exclusive use of bicycles. In these days it is estimated that more than 1 million people use it to practice cycling, running, walking or simply taking a walk.

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An important fact is that it is stipulated that there are around 2,000 kilometers of bicycle paths in all of Latin America. Large cities like Mexico City incorporated this much more sustainable transport system. According to the IPCC 2022 mitigation report, 70% of greenhouse gas emissions come from motorized transport, which is why using a bike is a way to counteract climate change.

The bicycle in sport

The Latin American geography forged great athletes throughout the continent who, through this tool, left their mark on the world. Among them are the Mexicans Raúl Alcala and Julio Alberto Pere; those born in Costa Rica, Andrey Amador and Kevin Rivera; also the famous Venezuelan, José Rujano; for Ecuador the great Richard Carapaz and those highlighted by Colombia, Luis Herrera, Nairo Quintana and Egan Bernal.

Likewise, cycling is a fundamental part of the health of those who practice this highly demanding sport, since its benefits are quite extensive and, according to experts, it improves and increases the aerobic capacity of the body, strengthens the knees and the muscles that surround it. In addition to this, several experts comment that riding a bicycle can delay aging and is a great mental balancer, since it keeps the mind active away from psychological affectations.

Fun facts

The smallest bicycle in the world is called 'Big Boy' and it was created with two skate wheels, it is fully functional and can also withstand a person weighing a maximum of 100 kilograms.

The bicycle became a valuable tool for all the people in the world, which can be used as a means of transportation, as a sporting element or simply to entertain. This is why, despite the passing of the years and decades, the bike will continue to be a faithful companion for all humanity.

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