3 Areas That Have Reached Data-Driven Digital Maturity

Meet in The Woman Post the Data-Driven Maturity Index of companies with advanced prediction models and key digital transformation processes.

The Woman Post | Carlex Araujo

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Recently INCIPY published the second report called "Data-Driven Maturity Study 2022" and revealed that 74% of companies had launched the Strategic Plan that includes a Data-Driven Transformation. The surveys collected from the report showed more than 150 managers from different fields in the organizations, which have a medium-high degree of responsibility in companies in various sectors operating in Spain.

The results of the surveys are that companies have stimulated the need to carry out a Data-Driven Transformation due to the speed with which the global environment acts. In addition, 36% of active companies in Spain indicate that the culture of data is deployed throughout the organization. The managers of the leading companies in each area interacted with their experience, and the cases were successful and inspiring.

The rise of digitalization brings an immense volume of data that is an excellent opportunity for Data-Driven Transformation. The study has been able to show in some way what companies have in common to execute it successfully. Among them is to provide added value to customers and employees, diversify the digital culture, develop digital businesses and manage the database of the business, customers, and employees to optimize the company's efficiency.

The report shows that only 15% of companies are Data-Driven, of which only 6% apply advanced analytics models. However, these percentages have increased from 12% to 32%, which are the companies that began a holistic process of Data-Driven Transformation, that is, fully proactive companies. Even 91% of companies consider that data management is a tool they must improve in their organization.

The analysis considers that 24% of companies are in an initial stage. That is, they are aware of the data, but they are not aligned. 27% of companies are in a reactive period. They work with data at some point but without strategies.

32% of companies are Proactive; that is, they develop the data strategy and cultural transformation. 9% of companies are in a Data-Driven moment; that is, data is the focus of decision-making in the organization. Finally, 8% of companies are in an advanced period; that is, they work with advanced models, such as machine learning and productive analytics.

The Study Was Based on 3 Vectors To Achieve Data-Driven Maturity

The results obtained show the Data-Driven Transformation and the impact of what can be a great digital business opportunity. Joana Sánchez, president and founder of INCIPY, a digital transformation consultancy, and Inesdi Digital Business School, counselor and founder of Indigital Advantage headhunter of digital profiles, Increnta and Incúbame considers that relaunched more than ten organizations framed on the internet and the digital economy.

1. Data culture: 36% of companies consider that the data culture is in their organization. However, the purpose is to speed up training so that the percentages where they are located increase considerably.

2. Data management: Companies consider that the support of their data storage must ensure the delivery of high-quality data. However, the team's concern is that the percentage is at 4.5.

3. Insights: Companies must empower themselves from their women's teams and make decisions based on insights to correct their management.


Business Sectors Achieving Data-Driven Maturity

The figures from the analysis reveal that the areas of the companies that manage and use the greatest amount of data are in these sectors.

1. Business: This area accounts for 42% of companies.

2. Finance: This sector has 41% of organizations.

3. Marketing: This section owns 40% of the companies.

Other studies reveal that 90% of the companies address the challenge of digital transformation in HR, even in different blocks. However, companies require digital solutions that allow them to work efficiently, according to the 2022 Predictions. The report was conducted by Forrester and published by Laycos.

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