3 uses of facial recognition that demonstrate how technology revolutionized

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Beyond being used to unlock a phone, facial recognition has changed the way it works in other fields of society such as tourism or health

3 uses of facial recognition that demonstrate how technology revolutionized

Years ago, it was usual to see how facial recognition functioned as a security system in many futuristic films or related to the secret service in the United States, however, since Google patented the facial unblocking in 2012, this system was popularized to the point that most smartphones today have this unlocking, according to Andro4All, but other companies have taken advantage of this technology for uses that can be considered revolutionary.

Leer en español: 3 usos del reconocimiento facial que demuestran cómo revolucionó la tecnología

Royal Caribbean

The famous cruise company has implemented facial recognition to accelerate entry to their vessels in a fast and straightforward, Tascent, company responsible for managing the facial recognition system on cruise ships, explains that the user must upload a selfie of yours a day before to approach, then when they arrive at the maritime terminal, they must go through a specialized machine that will recognize up to several faces and identify them, from there, the client will be able to access the cruise and start enjoying, since the idea of Royal Caribbean is that The user goes from the car to the interior of the cruise in 10 minutes, according to Infobae.

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Northwell Health


Una publicación compartida de Northwell Health (@northwellhealth) el


The largest healthcare company in New York, with more than three million patients, has also opted for facial recognition for two reasons: cost reduction and a better experience for the patient and its workers. After the patient is registered in the system, a high quality photo will be taken that will allow the RightPatient technology to recognize the face and iris, in this way, when the person returns, a facial scan will be performed before even be attended, making the system identify it and upload your medical history, in case of emergencies, nurses will have a device to perform the scan and know the medical histories of the affected, this system will not only improve the speed of entry of 107 seconds At only 17, it will also avoid duplicate histories that generate significant financial losses at Northwell Health, according to HealthLeaders.

Anti stalkers


The stalkers by social networks are more than a group of people who offend and threaten through comments and messages, because they have also become a risk for celebrities, for example the American singer Taylor Swift, who has already requested orders from Restraint to several stalkers who have threatened to rape her, murder her and some have gone to the outskirts of her house, for this reason, the company in charge of organizing her concert in Los Angeles, has used the Blink Indentity technology to scan the faces of Attendees of the concert in a specific area, to compare them with a database with photos of their stalkers, it should be noted that none of the attendees was previously notified about this, because according to The Guardian, the concerts are private events.

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Although the rapidity in which facial recognition can question its efficiency, Infobae reports that according to the National Institute of Standards and Technology, this system has a success of 99.7% when there is adequate lighting, in addition IDEMIA, a company dedicated to the identification Smart, has ensured that systems such as Royal Caribbean has proved efficient in terms of quality and speed of recognition in many populations.


LatinAmerican Post | Juan Bacallado

Translated from "3 usos del reconocimiento facial que demuestran cómo revolucionó la tecnología"

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