Exciting ways that video game development has evolved

Video games have become one of our go to forms of entertainment, which also means that developers and publishers must constantly be at the forefront of the latest cutting edge technologies, creatively seeking to find new and appealing ways to entertain and engage players.

Rik Snuiverink

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From the very first commercial video games back in the 1970s, to the first home computers and consoles that quickly became popular in the 1980s, video gaming has certainly come a long way over the subsequent decades. Indeed, since the online gaming boom commenced in the late 1990s and early 2000s, never before have so many people interacted so frequently with diverse video gaming platforms.

In fact, video games have become one of our go to forms of entertainment, which also means that developers and publishers must constantly be at the forefront of the latest cutting edge technologies, creatively seeking to find new and appealing ways to entertain and engage players. This has inevitably brought plenty of intriguing evolution over the last 20 years, now that gaming is one of the most popular hobbies in America and throughout the world.

Enhanced visual quality

Easily one of the most eye-catching aspects of modern video games, people are instantly drawn towards titles which feature the most exquisitely detailed graphics, although this doesn’t necessarily mean that ultra-HD or 4K visuals are dominant. Graphical fidelity can vary from game to game, but what truly matters is the overall quality of what we see on our screens, as visual displays need to convey plenty of information.

Visuals are often the first thing that players notice whenever people look at video games, often perceived as the shop window that showcases what players might expect. Excellent graphics provide games with great visual appeal, encouraging players to take interest and this is important for marketing surrounding any new releases. These visuals are the shop window, showcasing products and what gamers might experience while playing.

Without any doubt, stunning visuals contribute towards an immersive gaming experience, given that high-quality graphics with detailed environments make people feel they are part of the game world itself. But alongside the fidelity and photo-realistic elements, clear and easy to view interfaces for menus and on-screen information are just as important, as they genuinely enhance the feel of user interfaces that we need for seamless interaction.

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Social mobile gaming

No longer is gaming considered to be something for people on the fringes of society, which actually used to be the case just a couple of decades ago. Perceptions and opinions have changed for the better, now that gaming is widely acknowledged as one of the most popular hobbies and pastimes for billions of people around the world. Indeed, social gaming has become one of the key areas of innovation for games developers and players alike.

In the United States, the social gaming market is booming, thanks to creative games providing platforms where people can interact, sharing their experiences in various online worlds and gaming spaces. “Candy Crush” or “Minecraft” are two of the most popular social games, both of which are quite simple and therefore ideal for play on mobile devices, meaning that participants can enjoy gaming wherever they go.

Such is the impact of social gaming and especially via mobile devices, recent video game content trends indicate that desktop PC and console gaming is actually declining, while gaming via mobile devices continues to grow rapidly. Based on projections for the US market, the value of mobile games market is expected to grow from USD $165.3 million in 2023, towards estimates of more than USD $172.5 million by 2026.

Merging entertainment mediums

Over the last couple of decades and mostly due to our changing consumption of entertainment, the lines which separated the different mediums is growing increasingly blurry. In the past, video games were often inspired by movies and TV shows, but now the reverse is commonplace, with popular games providing the themes for various TV and cinematic productions.

“The Last of Us” is perhaps the best current example, originally a hit video game that is now enjoying success as an episodic TV show, although big and small screen productions are still influencing ideas for games. This is often the case when considering the most popular slot machines online, many of which are themed around successful box office movies or successful TV shows, especially the big-budget productions from Hollywood and the United States.

Certain TV shows have attracted huge interest in popular culture, which also makes them ideal choices to enhance the gameplay of slots, given that people tend to find themes they enjoy the most appealing reason to play online casino games. “Game of Thrones” has provided the theme for several slots, while the “Jurassic Park” franchise has led to an entire series of slot games from various developers.

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