Have you watched the new Samsung commercial?

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The Samsung S10 arrived in the Colombian market with a commercial that seeks to break down stereotypes and empower this generation

Have you watched the new Samsung commercial?

With the slogan, and hashtag, #SigueLaEvolución, Samsung launched the new cell phone in Colombia a few weeks ago with a commercial that until now begins to reach the public. The star of BMX, Mariana Pajon, the influence, Adriana Convers, and the androgynous model, Dave Castiblanco, are the protagonists of this commercial that with metallic colors and messages seek to position a new generation, not only of cell phones, but of people.

Leer en español: ¿Ya viste el nuevo comercial de Samsung?

Samsung launched its Galaxy S10 phone with all the media boost at an event in San Francisco where it brought together all kinds of industry people, celebrities, and influencers. Then, it started launching  the new phone in each country with events almost as important as the one in the US city. The furor was because the brand also celebrated 10 years of launching its first smartphone, Galaxy S.

The launch in Colombia came from the hand of a commercial that shows an iconic woman of the country as is the cyclist Mariana Pajón. The general message of the proposal is to show the social progress that has been achieved in 10 years. With women as protagonists, it shows how little by little women are positioning themselves in a world where before society decided for them.

The colors of the commercial, bright and metallic, hint that this generation, diverse as it is, is able to position itself wherever it wants, at a time when it is no longer inconceivable that a woman is in the center of a board of directors, or that a fat woman shine for her beauty and talent and can wear whatever she wants.

Read also: Samsung's bets for 2019

"We are the generation that chose a change, and never accept a" NO "for an answer. Believe in the power of sharing and stop believing in the limits. We are the generation that defends its identity, above all. 10 years ago things were different. Today … we are evolutionaries, we are the people who believe in evolution", this is the message of the commercial, which premiered on the night of Thursday, March 21 in the cinemas of Colombia.

According to Juan Piñeros, product manager of the mobile division at Samsung, at the inauguration for Colombia, this Galaxy S family of cell phones "have redefined the mobile experience for a generation of users" and with the inauguration they do not seek only to celebrate the 10 years, but lay the foundations of the next 10. The main innovative feature of this new family, in addition to creating lifestyles, is a screen with censors that allow to have the integrated camera with the highest possible technology, as Piñeros said.

Hence, 10 years of evolution in a cell phone that seeks to reflect 10 years of evolution in society, in the empowerment of a female athlete or businesswoman, an androgynous model, a fat woman, or anyone who can achieve what it is proposed.


LatinAmerican Post | Juliana Súarez
Translated from "¿Ya viste el nuevo comercial de Samsung?"

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