How does your skin face age? This app will let you know

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L'Oréal has recently announced the launch of a new app that will allow a specialized diagnosis of the state of your skin

How does your skin face age? This app will let you know

With the acquisition of the entity of augmented reality and artificial intelligence, ModiFace, L'Oréal, French cosmetics and beauty company, will soon launch a diagnostic mechanism of dermatological care, after 15 years of arduous research.

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What is it about?

"SkinConsultAI," as it was baptized, is an Artificial Intelligence algorithm created by ModiFace, which through digital "Deep Learning" will be able to determine different aspects of the skin state of the users.

This mechanism will consist of a bank of 6000 images and the skin aging atlas that L'Oréal and its R & D evaluation department have developed over 15 years, which have been trained to recognize the dermatological state of the face of a person through a selfie.

For the first time, this technology allows all women to obtain a personal diagnosis to understand the aging of their skin better and find a skincare routine tailored for them, said Brand Spur, Myriam Bekkar-Schneider executive director of Vichy, a company owned by L'Oréal.

The efficiency of this application has been corroborated thanks to a study carried out with 4500 photographs of smartphones, made in different positions and by different groups of people, in which Asian, Caucasian and African-American people are distinguished, made up of people from the 20s to the 80 years.


Una publicación compartida de L'Oréal Paris Makeup (@lorealmakeup) el


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How will the application work?

According to the Fashion Network, the application will be displayed on the L'Oréal website, where users can upload photographs of their faces in different positions. After that, different results will be thrown among those that initially are the signs of aging, among others, such as:

  • Eye bags
  • Lack of firmness
  • Fine lines
  • Lack of luminosity
  • Dark Spots
  • Pores and deep wrinkles
  • Acne

The diagnostic system will make an aging matrix that will recommend a series of products and routines to begin a dermatological treatment of care for aesthetic and health purposes.

After its exclusive launch in Canada, it is expected that the application can be used worldwide throughout the year.

L'Oréal and Modiface, a technological union for beauty

"With the acquisition of ModiFace, we began the second phase of L'Oréal's digital transformation, focused on reinventing the beauty experience through technologies such as voice, augmented reality and artificial intelligence. We believe that services will be the new entry doors to discover our brands and products, "said Lubomira Rochet, Digital Director of L'Oréal in a statement announcing the purchase of the Modiface Start-up.

"L'Oréal and ModiFace are proud to present the first diagnosis of skin care with the real power of augmented reality and science," he adds.

It is not the first time that L'Oréal takes steps to innovate in its technological strategy; in 2018 he purchased Coloright, a company that specializes in the creation of optical fiber for capillary analysis.


LatinAmerican Post | Jorge Becerra

Translated from "¿Qué tan bien envejece la piel de tu rostro? Pronto lo sabrás con esta app"

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