There is another eclipse! Here, we tell you everything you need to know

Next August 11 there will be a partial solar eclipse. Here we tell you what you should know

Leer en español: ¡Hay otro eclipse! Te contamos todo lo que debes saber

When and where will it be possible to watch it?

The eclipse will occur on August 11 and will be visible in the northern part of the planet. That is, in Antarctica, Iceland, northern Canada, Scandinavia, Greenland, and part of Asia. According to EarthSky , the eclipse will last an average of 3 and a half hours.

Unfortunately, in Latin America it is not possible to watch it. But do not worry. Next year, on January 21, 2019, Latin America and its inhabitants will be able to observe the total eclipse of the Moon that will last 5 hours and 11 minutes, according to Time and Date . As for solar eclipses, the region will also witness the partial solar eclipse of July 2, 2019. This event will last 1 hour and 21 minutes.

You can start preparing for these events now. For the partial solar eclipse, like the one that will happen on August 11, you should use special protection for your eyes. Keep reading and find out what methods you can use.

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What kind of eclipse is this?

Unlike the Blood Moon, this is a partial solar eclipse. According to El País, a partial eclipse of the sun means that the Moon will partially block the sunlight so this astronomical event will occur.

If I am going to watch it, should I use protection?

Because it is an eclipse of the sun, it is essential to protect your eyes so that you can appreciate it in any of its phases. At no time should you look at this astronomical event without proper protection. The EclipseWise portal recommends 5 methods to observe it without worrying about damaging our eyes.

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  1. Pinhole projection: This is a safe and very economical method to appreciate the eclipse. EclipseWise explains that you should make a small hole in a piece of cardboard and project the image of the sun on a white surface (it can be another piece of white cardboard).
  2. Binoculars: This method is very similar to the previous one, but instead of making a small hole in a cardboard, binoculars are used to project what is happening. You must direct the binoculars towards the eclipse and project the shadow on a white surface. Remember not to look at the event directly through the binoculars without appropriate sunscreens.
  3. Welder glass: The welders are protected with a glass that shields their eyes from the extreme shine. According to EclipseWise, these glasses come in 14 different shades and to use them and see the eclipse you must buy the glass with shade number 14 (the darkest one). You can find them at hardware stores and on the internet. Make sure you buy it on verified sites.
  4. Eclipses glasses: These glasses are safe to observe a solar event because they have the necessary filters to protect your eyes. However, not all the glasses that are sold have enough standards to avoid damaging your eyesight. In the United States, only 3 companies have certification: American Paper Optics, Rainbow Symphony, and Thousand Oaks Optical. You can access their pages to buy yours online.
  5. Telescope: We all know that to observe the stars the telescope is the best tool. However, to observe the eclipse the telescope must have a special filter that protects your eyes. Consult with an expert to get the right filter.

LatinAmerican Post | Marcela Peñaloza
Translated from “¡Hay otro eclipse! Te contamos todo lo que debes saber”

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