
Bolsonaro’s false promises to the environment and more news

Finish your week well informed with the most important environmental news.

Jair Bolsonaro, president of Brazil.

These were the most relevant environmental news of this week. Photo: Reuters

LatinAmerican Post | Vanesa López Romero

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Leer en español: Las falsas promesas de Bolsonaro al medio ambiente y más noticias ambientales

Joe Biden's Climate Summit Conclusions

On April 22, Earth Day was celebrated and also the first international climate summit that was convened by the current president of the United States, Joe Biden, since his election. The main objective of this meeting was to bring together political, social and business leaders to discuss the creation of jobs that allow the transition to a world free of greenhouse gases. The summit was divided into two days and was held virtually.

Among the conclusions they reached, Biden rectified the participation of the North American country in the Paris Agreement and, consequently, the fight against climate change; It also announced a new target to cut greenhouse gas emissions between 50% and 52% by 2030 compared to 2005 . Likewise, Michale Bloomberg, special envoy of the UN said that "We have to do more and faster", referring to the action plans that countries have regarding emission cuts, calling attention to the climate emergency to which we are currently facing.

The summit demonstrated the need for a drastic change in political and industrial action.

Bolsonaro and his false promises to the environment

Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro, known for having a controversial position in the face of the current environmental crisis, also participated in the aforementioned summit. During the event, he publicly pledged to double the budget for the protection of the environment in his country in order to end illegal deforestation by 2030, a commitment that was applauded by the US government.

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However, just a day later, Bolsonaro signed the federal budget for 2021, in which 2 billion reais are earmarked for the Ministry of the Environment compared to the 2.6 billion that had been approved at the beginning of the year . According to Rodrigo Agostinho, deputy and environmental leader in Congress, the cuts that have been evident since Bolsonaro came to power threaten the work that the environmental organizations of the Latin American giant are doing.

Julia Miranda is the first Colombian to receive the H-Schubert award from the Frankfurt Conservation Award

On April 28, the H-Schubert award was held, a prestigious private award that this year aims to reward four people who have contributed to the preservation of the Amazon region in Latin America . Julia Miranda Londoño, a specialized lawyer, won a prize of 30,000 euros in the category of "lifetime work" for her efforts in nature conservation from 2004 to 2020 , during which time she was in charge of the Direction of National Parks of Colombia and significantly expanded the protected areas in Colombia, approximately 18% of the national territory.

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