
Infographic: Amazon Deforestation Reaches 1.6 Million Trees per Day in 2022

Between January 1 and September 15, 2022, the Brazilian Amazon has lost More than 400 Million Trees, According to Data from the PlenaMata Forest Monitor.

PlenaMata Forest Monitor

Photo: LatinAmerican Post, PlenaMata

LatinAmerican Post | María Fernanda Ramírez Ramos

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Leer en español: Infografía: Deforestación del Amazonas alcanza 1,6 millones de árboles por día en 2022

The deforestation of the Amazon continues to be a concern and there is no political will to stop the destruction of the forest, vital for the survival of the planet and the fight against climate change. The year 2022 continues to be catastrophic, since it is estimated that, at the close of this edition, 424,640,841 trees have been lost, according to information from the PlenaMata Forest Monitor. It is an initiative of MapBiomas, InfoAmazonia, Natura and Hacklab that obtains weekly information from the National Institute for Space Research (Inpe) to make its estimates.

"During this period, more than 1.6 million trees were lost per day, an average of 1,156 per minute, 19 per second," says InfoAmazonía. They also indicate that since August, the speed of logging has increased, since from August to September there were approximately 100 million trees cut down.

On the other hand, the Mapbiomas initiative allows access to satellite maps to monitor deforestation, land use, mining, construction and other data on various territories. Below, we show you some of the most relevant data, with Mapbiomas maps, on the change in land use in the Amazon and deforestation.

Amazon Deforestation 2022

Without a doubt, these types of initiatives that allow monitoring of deforestation are key to denouncing the Bolsonaro government and those responsible for irresponsibly destroying the Amazon rainforest.

"It is also necessary to guarantee the application of sanctions to illegal logging, who use satellite images as evidence in environmental crime processes, as the STJ recently adopted after a study carried out by Imazon with the aim of preventing the legalization of lands that were illegally occupied," researcher Bianza Santos told InfoAmazonía

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